
2019年4月12日 | 分类: 【技术】




安装 httpd :


安装 re2c :


安装 oniguruma :


安装 iconv :


安装 gd :




git clone https://github.com/php/php-src.git && cd php-src && git checkout PHP-7.4 && ./buildconf
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php/etc --enable-fpm --with-fpm-user=apache --with-fpm-group=apache --disable-debug --with-curl --with-iconv --with-zlib --enable-bcmath --enable-ftp --enable-sockets --enable-mbstring --enable-mbregex --enable-soap --with-xsl --with-openssl --enable-opcache --with-mysqli --with-mysql-sock --with-pdo-mysql --enable-mysqlnd --disable-fileinfo --enable-gd --with-webp --with-jpeg --with-xpm --with-freetype --enable-gd-jis-conv --with-libzip=/usr/local/lib64 --enable-zip --with-iconv-dir=/usr/local/lib --with-readline --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib -lz"
make ZEND_EXTRA_LIBS='-liconv'
make install


php -v


PHP 7.4.0-dev (cli) (built: Apr 13 2019 10:47:31) ( ZTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0-dev, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies


service httpd stop
service httpd start



/usr/local/php/bin/php -m | grep gd



查看 phpinfo :

GD Support enabled
GD headers Version 2.2.5
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPEG Support enabled
libJPEG Version 6b
PNG Support enabled
libPNG Version 1.5.13
WBMP Support enabled
XPM Support enabled
libXpm Version
XBM Support enabled
Directive Local Value Master Value
gd.jpeg_ignore_warning 1 1


报错:GD build test failed.

configure时 报错:GD build test failed. 那么yum安装,然后错误消失。。


报错:gd.o: undefined reference to symbol ‘XpmLibraryVersion’


/usr/bin/ld: ext/gd/.libs/gd.o: undefined reference to symbol 'XpmLibraryVersion'
/usr/lib64/libXpm.so.4: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [sapi/cli/php] Error 1

已验证在编译PHP时先不安装gd而在PHP编译成功后以模块方式安装是不可行的。证明 gd 最好是随着 PHP 一起编译成功。



报错:-bash: php: command not found

php -v 时报错。


export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/php/bin




`configure' configures PHP 7.4.0-dev to adapt to many kinds of systems.

Usage: ./configure [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...

To assign environment variables (e.g., CC, CFLAGS...), specify them as
VAR=VALUE.  See below for descriptions of some of the useful variables.

Defaults for the options are specified in brackets.

  -h, --help              display this help and exit
      --help=short        display options specific to this package
      --help=recursive    display the short help of all the included packages
  -V, --version           display version information and exit
  -q, --quiet, --silent   do not print `checking ...' messages
      --cache-file=FILE   cache test results in FILE [disabled]
  -C, --config-cache      alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'
  -n, --no-create         do not create output files
      --srcdir=DIR        find the sources in DIR [configure dir or `..']

Installation directories:
  --prefix=PREFIX         install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
  --exec-prefix=EPREFIX   install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX

By default, `make install' will install all the files in
`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/lib' etc.  You can specify
an installation prefix other than `/usr/local' using `--prefix',
for instance `--prefix=$HOME'.

For better control, use the options below.

Fine tuning of the installation directories:
  --bindir=DIR            user executables [EPREFIX/bin]
  --sbindir=DIR           system admin executables [EPREFIX/sbin]
  --libexecdir=DIR        program executables [EPREFIX/libexec]
  --sysconfdir=DIR        read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc]
  --sharedstatedir=DIR    modifiable architecture-independent data [PREFIX/com]
  --localstatedir=DIR     modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var]
  --libdir=DIR            object code libraries [EPREFIX/lib]
  --includedir=DIR        C header files [PREFIX/include]
  --oldincludedir=DIR     C header files for non-gcc [/usr/include]
  --datarootdir=DIR       read-only arch.-independent data root [PREFIX/share]
  --datadir=DIR           read-only architecture-independent data [DATAROOTDIR]
  --infodir=DIR           info documentation [DATAROOTDIR/info]
  --localedir=DIR         locale-dependent data [DATAROOTDIR/locale]
  --mandir=DIR            man documentation [DATAROOTDIR/man]
  --docdir=DIR            documentation root [DATAROOTDIR/doc/php]
  --htmldir=DIR           html documentation [DOCDIR]
  --dvidir=DIR            dvi documentation [DOCDIR]
  --pdfdir=DIR            pdf documentation [DOCDIR]
  --psdir=DIR             ps documentation [DOCDIR]

Program names:
  --program-prefix=PREFIX            prepend PREFIX to installed program names
  --program-suffix=SUFFIX            append SUFFIX to installed program names
  --program-transform-name=PROGRAM   run sed PROGRAM on installed program names

System types:
  --build=BUILD     configure for building on BUILD [guessed]
  --host=HOST       cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD]
  --target=TARGET   configure for building compilers for TARGET [HOST]

Optional Features and Packages:
  --disable-option-checking  ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options
  --disable-FEATURE       do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
  --enable-FEATURE[=ARG]  include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
  --with-PACKAGE[=ARG]    use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
  --without-PACKAGE       do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no)
  --with-libdir=NAME      Look for libraries in .../NAME rather than .../lib
  --disable-rpath         Disable passing additional runtime library search
  --enable-re2c-cgoto     Enable -g flag to re2c to use computed goto gcc
                          whether to enable GCC global register variables

SAPI modules:

  --with-apxs2[=FILE]     Build shared Apache 2.0 Handler module. FILE is the
                          optional pathname to the Apache apxs tool [apxs]
  --disable-cli           Disable building CLI version of PHP (this forces
  --enable-embed[=TYPE]   EXPERIMENTAL: Enable building of embedded SAPI
                          library TYPE is either 'shared' or 'static'.
  --enable-fpm            Enable building of the fpm SAPI executable
  --with-fpm-user[=USER]  Set the user for php-fpm to run as. (default:
  --with-fpm-group[=GRP]  Set the group for php-fpm to run as. For a system
                          user, this should usually be set to match the fpm
                          username (default: nobody)
  --with-fpm-systemd      Activate systemd integration
  --with-fpm-acl          Use POSIX Access Control Lists
  --with-litespeed        Build PHP as litespeed module
  --enable-phpdbg         Build phpdbg
                          Build phpdbg web SAPI support
  --enable-phpdbg-debug   Build phpdbg in debug mode
                          Enable readline support in phpdbg (depends on static
  --disable-cgi           Disable building CGI version of PHP
  --with-valgrind=DIR     Enable valgrind support

General settings:

  --enable-gcov           Enable GCOV code coverage (requires LTP) - FOR
                          DEVELOPERS ONLY!!
  --enable-debug          Compile with debugging symbols
  --enable-rtld-now       Use dlopen with RTLD_NOW instead of RTLD_LAZY
  --with-layout=TYPE      Set how installed files will be laid out. Type can
                          be either PHP or GNU [PHP]
                          Set the path in which to look for php.ini
                          Set the path where to scan for configuration files
  --enable-sigchild       Enable PHP's own SIGCHLD handler
  --enable-libgcc         Enable explicitly linking against libgcc
  --disable-short-tags    Disable the short-form <? start tag by default
  --enable-dmalloc        Enable dmalloc
  --disable-ipv6          Disable IPv6 support
  --enable-dtrace         Enable DTrace support
  --enable-fd-setsize     Set size of descriptor sets



    NOTE: Not all extensions can be build as 'shared'.

    Example: --with-foobar=shared,/usr/local/foobar/

      o Builds the foobar extension as shared extension.
      o foobar package install prefix is /usr/local/foobar/

  --disable-all           Disable all extensions which are enabled by default
  --disable-libxml        Disable LIBXML support
  --with-libxml-dir[=DIR] LIBXML: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-openssl          Include OpenSSL support (requires OpenSSL >= 1.0.1)
  --with-kerberos[=DIR]   OPENSSL: Include Kerberos support
  --with-system-ciphers   OPENSSL: Use system default cipher list instead of
                          hardcoded value
  --with-external-pcre    Use external library for PCRE support
  --with-pcre-jit         Enable PCRE JIT functionality
                          Enable PCRE valgrind support. Developers only!
  --without-sqlite3[=DIR] Do not include SQLite3 support. DIR is the prefix to
                          SQLite3 installation directory.
  --with-zlib             Include ZLIB support (requires zlib >=
  --enable-bcmath         Enable bc style precision math functions
  --with-bz2[=DIR]        Include BZip2 support
  --enable-calendar       Enable support for calendar conversion
  --disable-ctype         Disable ctype functions
  --with-curl             Include cURL support
  --enable-dba            Build DBA with bundled modules. To build shared DBA
                          extension use --enable-dba=shared
  --with-qdbm[=DIR]       DBA: QDBM support
  --with-gdbm[=DIR]       DBA: GDBM support
  --with-ndbm[=DIR]       DBA: NDBM support
  --with-db4[=DIR]        DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 4.x or 5.x support
  --with-db3[=DIR]        DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 3.x support
  --with-db2[=DIR]        DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 2.x support
  --with-db1[=DIR]        DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 1.x support/emulation
  --with-dbm[=DIR]        DBA: DBM support
  --with-tcadb[=DIR]      DBA: Tokyo Cabinet abstract DB support
  --with-lmdb[=DIR]       DBA: Lightning memory-mapped database support
  --without-cdb[=DIR]     DBA: CDB support (bundled)
  --disable-inifile       DBA: INI support (bundled)
  --disable-flatfile      DBA: FlatFile support (bundled)
  --disable-dom           Disable DOM support
  --with-libxml-dir[=DIR] DOM: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-enchant[=DIR]    Include enchant support. GNU Aspell version 1.1.3 or
                          higher required.
  --enable-exif           Enable EXIF (metadata from images) support
  --with-ffi              Include FFI support
  --disable-fileinfo      Disable fileinfo support
  --disable-filter        Disable input filter support
  --enable-ftp            Enable FTP support
                          FTP: openssl install prefix
  --enable-gd             Include GD support
  --with-external-gd      Use external libgd
  --with-webp             GD: Enable WEBP support
  --with-jpeg             GD: Enable JPEG support
  --with-xpm              GD: Enable XPM support
  --with-freetype         GD: Enable FreeType 2 support
  --enable-gd-jis-conv    GD: Enable JIS-mapped Japanese font support
  --with-gettext[=DIR]    Include GNU gettext support
  --with-gmp[=DIR]        Include GNU MP support
  --with-mhash[=DIR]      Include mhash support
  --without-iconv[=DIR]   Exclude iconv support
  --with-imap[=DIR]       Include IMAP support. DIR is the c-client install
  --with-kerberos[=DIR]   IMAP: Include Kerberos support. DIR is the Kerberos
                          install prefix
  --with-imap-ssl[=DIR]   IMAP: Include SSL support. DIR is the OpenSSL
                          install prefix
  --with-interbase[=DIR]  Include Firebird support. DIR is the Firebird base
                          install directory [/opt/firebird]
  --enable-intl           Enable internationalization support
  --disable-json          Disable JavaScript Object Serialization support
  --with-ldap[=DIR]       Include LDAP support
  --with-ldap-sasl[=DIR]  LDAP: Include Cyrus SASL support
  --enable-mbstring       Enable multibyte string support
  --disable-mbregex       MBSTRING: Disable multibyte regex support
  --with-mysqli[=FILE]    Include MySQLi support. FILE is the path to
                          mysql_config. If no value or mysqlnd is passed as
                          FILE, the MySQL native driver will be used
                          MySQLi/PDO_MYSQL: Location of the MySQL unix socket
                          pointer. If unspecified, the default locations are
  --with-oci8[=DIR]       Include Oracle Database OCI8 support. DIR defaults
                          to $ORACLE_HOME. Use
                          to use an Oracle Instant Client installation
  --with-odbcver[=HEX]    Force support for the passed ODBC version. A hex
                          number is expected, default 0x0350. Use the special
                          value of 0 to prevent an explicit ODBCVER to be
  --with-adabas[=DIR]     Include Adabas D support [/usr/local]
  --with-sapdb[=DIR]      Include SAP DB support [/usr/local]
  --with-solid[=DIR]      Include Solid support [/usr/local/solid]
  --with-ibm-db2[=DIR]    Include IBM DB2 support [/home/db2inst1/sqllib]
  --with-empress[=DIR]    Include Empress support $EMPRESSPATH (Empress
                          Version >= 8.60 required)
                          Include Empress Local Access support $EMPRESSPATH
                          (Empress Version >= 8.60 required)
                          Include user defined ODBC support. DIR is ODBC
                          install base directory [/usr/local]. Make sure to
                          define CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS and have some odbc.h in your
                          include dirs. f.e. you should define following for
                          Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5.00 on QNX, prior to running
                          this configure script: CPPFLAGS="-DODBC_QNX
                          -DSQLANY_BUG" LDFLAGS=-lunix
                          CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS="-ldblib -lodbc"
  --with-iodbc[=DIR]      Include iODBC support [/usr/local]
  --with-esoob[=DIR]      Include Easysoft OOB support
  --with-unixODBC[=DIR]   Include unixODBC support [/usr/local]
  --with-dbmaker[=DIR]    Include DBMaker support
  --disable-opcache       Disable Zend OPcache support
                          Disable copying PHP CODE pages into HUGE PAGES
  --enable-pcntl          Enable pcntl support (CLI/CGI only)
  --disable-pdo           Disable PHP Data Objects support
  --with-pdo-dblib[=DIR]  PDO: DBLIB-DB support. DIR is the FreeTDS home
                          PDO: Firebird support. DIR is the Firebird base
                          install directory [/opt/firebird]
  --with-pdo-mysql[=DIR]  PDO: MySQL support. DIR is the MySQL base directory.
                          If no value or mysqlnd is passed as DIR, the MySQL
                          native driver will be used
  --with-zlib-dir[=DIR]   PDO_MySQL: Set the path to libz install prefix
  --with-pdo-oci[=DIR]    PDO: Oracle OCI support. DIR defaults to
                          $ORACLE_HOME. Use
                          for an Oracle Instant Client installation.
                          PDO: Support for 'flavour' ODBC driver. The include
                          and lib dirs are looked for under 'dir'. The
                          'flavour' can be one of: ibm-db2, iODBC, unixODBC,
                          generic. If ',dir' part is omitted, default for the
                          flavour you have selected will be used. e.g.:
                          --with-pdo-odbc=unixODBC will check for unixODBC
                          under /usr/local. You may attempt to use an
                          otherwise unsupported driver using the 'generic'
                          flavour. The syntax for generic ODBC support is:
                          When built as 'shared' the extension filename is
                          always pdo_odbc.so
  --with-pdo-pgsql[=DIR]  PDO: PostgreSQL support. DIR is the PostgreSQL base
                          install directory or the path to pg_config
                          PDO: sqlite 3 support. DIR is the sqlite base
                          install directory [BUNDLED]
  --with-pgsql[=DIR]      Include PostgreSQL support. DIR is the PostgreSQL
                          base install directory or the path to pg_config
  --disable-phar          Disable phar support
  --disable-posix         Disable POSIX-like functions
  --with-pspell[=DIR]     Include PSPELL support. GNU Aspell version 0.50.0 or
                          higher required
  --with-libedit          Include libedit readline replacement (CLI/CGI only)
  --with-readline[=DIR]   Include readline support (CLI/CGI only)
  --with-recode[=DIR]     Include recode support
  --disable-session       Disable session support
  --with-mm[=DIR]         SESSION: Include mm support for session storage
  --enable-shmop          Enable shmop support
  --disable-simplexml     Disable SimpleXML support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   SimpleXML: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-snmp[=DIR]       Include SNMP support
                          SNMP: openssl install prefix
  --enable-soap           Enable SOAP support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   SOAP: libxml2 install prefix
  --enable-sockets        Enable sockets support
  --with-sodium[=DIR]     Include sodium support
                          Include Argon2 support in password_*. DIR is the
                          Argon2 shared library path
  --enable-sysvmsg        Enable sysvmsg support
  --enable-sysvsem        Enable System V semaphore support
  --enable-sysvshm        Enable the System V shared memory support
  --with-tidy[=DIR]       Include TIDY support
  --disable-tokenizer     Disable tokenizer support
  --disable-xml           Disable XML support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   XML: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-libexpat-dir=DIR XML: libexpat install prefix (deprecated)
  --disable-xmlreader     Disable XMLReader support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   XMLReader: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-xmlrpc[=DIR]     Include XMLRPC-EPI support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   XMLRPC-EPI: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-libexpat-dir=DIR XMLRPC-EPI: libexpat dir for XMLRPC-EPI (deprecated)
  --with-iconv-dir=DIR    XMLRPC-EPI: iconv dir for XMLRPC-EPI
  --disable-xmlwriter     Disable XMLWriter support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   XMLWriter: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-xsl[=DIR]        Include XSL support. DIR is the libxslt base install
                          directory (libxslt >= 1.1.0 required)
  --enable-zend-test      Enable zend-test extension
  --enable-zip            Include Zip read/write support
  --with-libzip[=DIR]     ZIP: use libzip
  --enable-mysqlnd        Enable mysqlnd explicitly, will be done implicitly
                          when required by other extensions
                          Disable support for the MySQL compressed protocol in
  --with-zlib-dir[=DIR]   mysqlnd: Set the path to libz install prefix


  --with-pear[=DIR]       Install PEAR in DIR [PREFIX/lib/php]


  --enable-maintainer-zts Enable thread safety - for code maintainers only!!
                          If building zend_execute.lo fails, try this switch
  --disable-zend-signals  whether to enable zend signal handling


                          Use GNU Pth
  --with-tsrm-st          Use SGI's State Threads
  --with-tsrm-pthreads    Use POSIX threads (default)


  --enable-shared=PKGS    Build shared libraries default=yes
  --enable-static=PKGS    Build static libraries default=yes
                          Optimize for fast installation default=yes
  --with-gnu-ld           Assume the C compiler uses GNU ld default=no
  --disable-libtool-lock  Avoid locking (might break parallel builds)
  --with-pic              Try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects default=use both
  --with-tags=TAGS        Include additional configurations automatic

