CentOS 系统:
sudo curl https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem -o /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates
方法1:直接下载 ca-bundle.crt
背景:php curl请求https接口。
报错:curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
此问题的出现是由于没有配置信任的服务器 HTTPS 验证。默认,cURL被设为不信任任何CAs,就是说,它不信任任何服务器验证。因此,这就是浏览器无法通过HTTPs访问你服务器的原因。
介绍:The Mozilla CA bundle extracted and converted to PEM at regular intervals. See the PEM file itself for the actual date of the latest Mozilla source change that is included in converted file.
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);// 对认证证书来源的检查 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);// 从证书中检查SSL加密算法是否存在 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);// 使用自动跳转 //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, 'D:/phpStudy/PHPTutorial/WWW/dataoke/runtime/myq.pem');
方法2:编译安装Certificate Authority Certificates
Installed Programs: make-ca.sh, make-cert.pl and remove-expired-certs.sh
Installed Libraries: None
Installed Directories: /etc/ssl/certs
yum install dos2unix
这个文件负责:reformat a certificate into a form needed by openssl.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Used to generate PEM encoded files from Mozilla certdata.txt. # Run as ./make-cert.pl > certificate.crt # # Parts of this script courtesy of RedHat (mkcabundle.pl) # # This script modified for use with single file data (tempfile.cer) extracted # from certdata.txt, taken from the latest version in the Mozilla NSS source. # mozilla/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt # # Authors: DJ Lucas # Bruce Dubbs # # Version 20120211 my $certdata = './tempfile.cer'; open( IN, "cat $certdata|" ) || die "could not open $certdata"; my $incert = 0; while ( <IN> ) { if ( /^CKA_VALUE MULTILINE_OCTAL/ ) { $incert = 1; open( OUT, "|openssl x509 -text -inform DER -fingerprint" ) || die "could not pipe to openssl x509"; } elsif ( /^END/ && $incert ) { close( OUT ); $incert = 0; print "\n\n"; } elsif ($incert) { my @bs = split( /\\/ ); foreach my $b (@bs) { chomp $b; printf( OUT "%c", oct($b) ) unless $b eq ''; } } }
这个文件负责:creates the certificates and a bundle of all the certificates. It creates a ./certs directory and ./BLFS-ca-bundle-${VERSION}.crt
#!/bin/sh # Begin make-ca.sh # Script to populate OpenSSL's CApath from a bundle of PEM formatted CAs # # The file certdata.txt must exist in the local directory # Version number is obtained from the version of the data. # # Authors: DJ Lucas # Bruce Dubbs # # Version 20120211 # Some data in the certs have UTF-8 characters export LANG=en_US.utf8 certdata="certdata.txt" if [ ! -r $certdata ]; then echo "$certdata must be in the local directory" exit 1 fi REVISION=$(grep CVS_ID $certdata | cut -f4 -d'$') if [ -z "${REVISION}" ]; then echo "$certfile has no 'Revision' in CVS_ID" exit 1 fi VERSION=$(echo $REVISION | cut -f2 -d" ") TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) TRUSTATTRIBUTES="CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH" BUNDLE="BLFS-ca-bundle-${VERSION}.crt" CONVERTSCRIPT="/usr/bin/make-cert.pl" SSLDIR="/etc/ssl" mkdir "${TEMPDIR}/certs" # Get a list of starting lines for each cert CERTBEGINLIST=$(grep -n "^# Certificate" "${certdata}" | cut -d ":" -f1) # Get a list of ending lines for each cert CERTENDLIST=`grep -n "^CKA_TRUST_STEP_UP_APPROVED" "${certdata}" | cut -d ":" -f 1` # Start a loop for certbegin in ${CERTBEGINLIST}; do for certend in ${CERTENDLIST}; do if test "${certend}" -gt "${certbegin}"; then break fi done # Dump to a temp file with the name of the file as the beginning line number sed -n "${certbegin},${certend}p" "${certdata}" > "${TEMPDIR}/certs/${certbegin}.tmp" done unset CERTBEGINLIST CERTDATA CERTENDLIST certbegin certend mkdir -p certs rm -f certs/* # Make sure the directory is clean for tempfile in ${TEMPDIR}/certs/*.tmp; do # Make sure that the cert is trusted... grep "CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH" "${tempfile}" | \ egrep "TRUST_UNKNOWN|NOT_TRUSTED" > /dev/null if test "${?}" = "0"; then # Throw a meaningful error and remove the file cp "${tempfile}" tempfile.cer perl ${CONVERTSCRIPT} > tempfile.crt keyhash=$(openssl x509 -noout -in tempfile.crt -hash) echo "Certificate ${keyhash} is not trusted! Removing..." rm -f tempfile.cer tempfile.crt "${tempfile}" continue fi # If execution made it to here in the loop, the temp cert is trusted # Find the cert data and generate a cert file for it cp "${tempfile}" tempfile.cer perl ${CONVERTSCRIPT} > tempfile.crt keyhash=$(openssl x509 -noout -in tempfile.crt -hash) mv tempfile.crt "certs/${keyhash}.pem" rm -f tempfile.cer "${tempfile}" echo "Created ${keyhash}.pem" done # Remove blacklisted files # MD5 Collision Proof of Concept CA if test -f certs/8f111d69.pem; then echo "Certificate 8f111d69 is not trusted! Removing..." rm -f certs/8f111d69.pem fi # Finally, generate the bundle and clean up. cat certs/*.pem > ${BUNDLE} rm -r "${TEMPDIR}"
这个文件负责:remove expired certificates from a directory.
#!/bin/sh # Begin /usr/sbin/remove-expired-certs.sh # # Version 20120211 # Make sure the date is parsed correctly on all systems mydate() { local y=$( echo $1 | cut -d" " -f4 ) local M=$( echo $1 | cut -d" " -f1 ) local d=$( echo $1 | cut -d" " -f2 ) local m if [ ${d} -lt 10 ]; then d="0${d}"; fi case $M in Jan) m="01";; Feb) m="02";; Mar) m="03";; Apr) m="04";; May) m="05";; Jun) m="06";; Jul) m="07";; Aug) m="08";; Sep) m="09";; Oct) m="10";; Nov) m="11";; Dec) m="12";; esac certdate="${y}${m}${d}" } OPENSSL=/usr/bin/openssl DIR=/etc/ssl/certs if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then DIR="$1" fi certs=$( find ${DIR} -type f -name "*.pem" -o -name "*.crt" ) today=$( date +%Y%m%d ) for cert in $certs; do notafter=$( $OPENSSL x509 -enddate -in "${cert}" -noout ) date=$( echo ${notafter} | sed 's/^notAfter=//' ) mydate "$date" if [ ${certdate} -lt ${today} ]; then echo "${cert} expired on ${certdate}! Removing..." rm -f "${cert}" fi done
dos2unix /usr/bin/make-cert.pl && dos2unix /usr/bin/make-ca.sh && dos2unix /usr/sbin/remove-expired-certs.sh chmod +x /usr/bin/make-cert.pl && chmod +x /usr/bin/make-ca.sh && chmod u+x /usr/sbin/remove-expired-certs.sh
URL=http://anduin.linuxfromscratch.org/BLFS/other/certdata.txt && rm -f certdata.txt && wget $URL && make-ca.sh && unset URL
SSLDIR=/etc/ssl && remove-expired-certs.sh certs && install -d ${SSLDIR}/certs && cp -v certs/*.pem ${SSLDIR}/certs && c_rehash && install BLFS-ca-bundle*.crt ${SSLDIR}/ca-bundle.crt && ln -sfv ../ca-bundle.crt ${SSLDIR}/certs/ca-certificates.crt && unset SSLDIR
yum install openssl-perl
最后:Finally, clean up the current directory:
rm -r certs BLFS-ca-bundle*