Cloudflare partner 添加域名强制验证 NS 记录

2021年11月29日 | 分类: 【技术】


[Cloudflare] Action Required: Changes required for zone onboarding for Cloudflare Partner Hosts


We are making an emergency change today that will affect your ability to sign up customers via the Cloudflare Host API. Specifically, the ‘zone_set’ operation for creating partial zones will be disabled today, November 19, 2021. Going forward, the ‘full_zone_set’ operation must be used which requires customers to set NS records before traffic will flow to Cloudflare.

We apologize for making this urgent breaking change. If any additional questions should arise, please feel free to contact our Support team by making a ticket at

Thanks again for choosing Cloudflare!

The Cloudflare Team

在 V2ex 上也有提问:

今天添加 cname 解析的时候一直是提示:

An unknown CloudFlare error has occurred during zone creation and has been logged. We apologize for the inconvenience and we will fix the problem promptly.

试了几个比较常用的 partner 平台都这样,搜了一下,好像是因为:

我们今天正在进行一项紧急更改,这将影响您通过 Cloudflare 主机 API 注册客户的能力。具体而言,用于创建部分区域的“区域设置”操作将于今天( 2021 年 11 月 19 日)禁用。今后,必须使用“完整分区设置”操作,这要求客户在流量流向 Cloudflare 之前设置 NS 记录。


XIU2 回答:据说可以在改 NS 并通过验证后(需要一定时间),可以再把 NS 改回去?

bestmos 回答:但是如果使用 ns 接入的话,后续你添加解析也默认就 ns 方式了。需要添加域名时就是用 cname 接入,后续才能添加 cname 解析。

解决方案:先试试在 CloudFlare添加域名,添加解析,通过之后再在面板中管理?然鹅不行。