报错:Error creating new authz :: “domain.name” was considered an unsafe domain by a third-party API

2016年8月17日 | 分类: 【技术】

当为一个域名签发Let’s Encrypt证书时,报错:

Error creating new authz :: “domain.name” was considered an unsafe domain by a third-party API


猜测Let’s Encrypt使用了Google的Safe Browsing接口,而关于此域名/网站有不良记录。



Current status: Dangerous

domain.name is not safe to visit right now.

Site Safety Details

Some pages on this website send visitors to the following dangerous websites: a.site, b.site, and c.site.

等于说,如果这些不良记录继续存在,Let’s Encrypt是不会通过证书申请的。