
2010年9月9日 | 分类: 【域名】

Name.com提供域名免费隐私保护(Free whois privacy)优惠码:


Name.com提供过期域名抢注服务Domain Nabber(http://www.name.com/deleting-domains/)。


另外,Name.com不仅抢注客户下单预订的域名,也会抢注无人预订但是他们认为有价值的域名,供用户挑选购买。第二种类型的域名在5天后会被Name.com放弃,再次被删除进入可注册状态。这个现象背后的规则叫做“域名品尝(domain taste)”。这种域名的销售有个有趣的降价规则,和拍卖中荷兰式拍卖类似。



  1. 域名尚未被删除时:目标域名是pendingdelete状态,还没有完全掉出来,Name.com尚未抢到,所以不能下单订购。
  2. 域名被删除且被Name.com抢注册时:在Name.com中查询目标域名,会发现可以订购,标价$29.95。
  3. 再过一天后:如果之后仍未有人对目标域名下单,会发现价格下降$5。距离完全删除域名的时间越近越便宜,$5为降价幅度。时间和价格规则如下:
    • 距离删除24小时内:$9.95;
    • 24~48小时:$14.95;
    • 48~72小时:$19.95;
    • 72~96小时:$24.95;
    • 四天以上:$29.95。



Name.com的默认退款方式是退入用户的消费账户(Account Credit ),但是一旦退回Account Credit ,就只能用于在Name.com进行消费了,所以需要修改一下选项使得款项原路返还。

  1. 登录个人账户
  2. 点击Account,
  3. 点击View Credit Information ,可以查看默认方式下退回的款项。
  4. 然后点击Domain Nabber Management,点选 Original Payment Method,修改为退回原支付途径,Paypal或信用卡。

Name.com提供过期域名抢注服务Domain Nabber

Now In Public Beta http://blog.name.com/2009/07/domain-nabber-now-in-public-beta/

Name.com is now accepting back orders with our new Domain Nabber service. At just $18.95 per domain, Name.com is now the most affordable choice for professional backorder services.

Domain Nabber is the beta version of Name.com’s back order service. Domain Nabber is currently limited to .com and .net domain names which are set to drop from the registry.

Domain Nabber presents up to ten days of daily drop lists (five past and five future) which we’ve analyzed using Verisign’s Data Analyzer as well as Yahoo! data.

Data Analyzer determines historic traffic to a domain name over various time periods using a scale from zero (absolute) to a high of ten (10). These are relative numbers and no guarantees can be made about future traffic based on these numbers. Only .com domains which are not in the zone file are able to be analyzed, which is why we are currently limiting this service to names which are PendingDelete.

Yahoo! Data comes in two forms “InLinks” and “PageData”. InLinks are just as they sound – the number of inbound links to a domain name. PageData is the number of webpages on a domain which Yahoo! is indexing. Yahoo! information is available for com and net domains. Again, things on the web change fast so we cannot make any guarantees about future performance of any domain names ordered using these tools.


TLD – Pretty straightforward All, com or net. Take your pick.

Display Results – defaults to 50, but you can see up to 250 on a single page.

Drop Date – This defaults to either the current drop list or the next day’s drop list if the drop has already ended for that day. You can select all to view all days or select an individual day to limit results.

Max Length – by default domains up to 63 characters are displayed. Simply enter a number to limit the character length of a domain name.

Min Yahoo! InLinks – enter a number of 1 or greater to limit results.

Min Yahoo! PageData – enter a number of 1 or greater to limit results.

Hyphens or Numbers – Exclude or Include.

Hide or Show Data Analyzer – If you select .net and leave “Data Analyzer” checked no results will display. Uncheck Data Analyzer.

0-6 days through 52 weeks – Select a number 1 thru 10 to set minimum traffic scores for Data Analyzer.

Losing Registrar – defaults to all, use this option to view domain names which are dropping from a particular registrar. This is GREAT for customers let a domain name lapse but can’t afford the redemption fee!

Keyword Search – Powerful way to limit results based on preferred keywords and keyword combinations.

“contains all” allows you to enter up to four keywords and delivers results which contain ALL of those keywords. Example: “home loan mortgage” will show only names which contain all three of those words: homemortgageloan.com

“contains any” will deliver results which contain any one of the keywords. Example “home loan mortgage” will show names which contain any of those words: homepro.com, loanpro.com and mortgagepro.com

“begins with” will show results where your keyword(s) are at the beginning of a domain name. You may use up to four keywords in this search as well.

“ends with” will deliver results where your keyword(s) are at the end of a domain name. You may use up to four keywords in this search as well.

1. All backorders, or “Nab Orders” are on a first come, first served basis and cannot be canceled once submitted. Multiple orders for a domain name will not be accepted. The first customer to complete a transaction for a particular domain is the sole “Nabster” (customer) for that domain name. If Name.com is successful in “Nabbing” the domain name that Nabster will be awarded the domain.

2. Successfully “Nabbed” domain names are placed in accounts by 2:30pm MST each day. Each Nabster will receive notification of success and/or failure after 2pm MST.

3. Unsuccessful Nab attempts will be credited back to accounts in the form of account credit. Account credit may be used for future nab attempts, renewals or of course, new domain registrations.

4. There are no refunds or grace period deletions on Nabbed domain names.

Read enough? Ready to Nab? Go: Domain Nabber Back Order Service.