
2017年2月2日 | 分类: 【域名】

标题:The Rise of io. MikeCarson

在今天的节目中,我们重温了日益流行的.IO 域名,向您展示如何评估它们的快速技巧,并向您展示如何吸引合适的最终用户来销售它们。敬请关注。

迈克尔·西格:嘿,这里是夏尔巴网络,我是迈克尔·西格,我是 的出版商,在这个网站上,你可以直接从专家那里学习如何成为一名成功的域名投资者或企业家。早在 2015 年初,我就认识将在今天节目中讨论的夏尔巴人。IO域名和他的名为 的捕获服务。我这样做是因为我看到了 的价值。IO域名,并利用他的市场以1655美元的价格购买了,30天后我以六千美元的价格翻转。

在过去的一年里,.IO域名的使用和价值持续增长,今天我们将讨论一个估值系统和销售流程。IO 域名。准备好笔记本和铅笔。我很高兴欢迎 的创始人迈克·卡森(Mike Carson)回到夏尔巴域。欢迎你,迈克。














迈克尔:好的。对于任何刚刚听说过.IO域名 在这个节目中,你应该向下滚动到迈克的简历,然后点击查看他2015年的另一个节目。话筒。IO 是英属印度洋领地的国家/地区代码顶级域名或 CCTLD。我什至不知道那在哪里。是吗?


迈克尔:很多CCTLD,比如.的。IO 和 .ME,被初创公司用作黑客。甚至不是黑客。他们只想使用一个简短、酷炫的顶级域名,他们选择了很多这样的 CCTLD。您在市场上已经注意到了这一点,因为您过去只是出售.IO, .LY,和.我,现在你有.自。.SH。交流。VC, .GG 和 .韦斯您不断添加 CCTLD。哪些在您的市场上最受欢迎?

迈克:嗯。IO绝对是最受欢迎的。我按顺序列出它们。顶部的选项卡按受欢迎程度排序,但是是的,.呵呵。.LY 可能是第二位,然后是 .CO。




迈克:但我的意思是它仍然在使用。我仍然看到人们使用 About.Me 之类的东西,但似乎它已经从以前开始下降,当时它更受欢迎。

迈克尔:是的。而且您刚刚在 的销量方面达到了一个重要的里程碑,对吧?






迈克尔:那太棒了。您认为 是一个吸引人的服务和市场,还是只是一个市场?




迈克尔:好的。所以,我可以去为你服务,为 缺货,希望你的出价不会超过我,然后你的服务会抓住它,但它也会被拍卖掉。

迈克:只要是另一个人缺货。如果您是唯一一个缺货的人,那么您只需 99 美元即可获得它。



迈克尔:所以,这就是 赚钱的方式,就是你花更少的钱得到它们。大约 60 美元或不同的东西?









Mike:是的,我一直在考虑这个问题,我想我最初是 的最终用户。IO 域。我是一名开发人员,我开始进入域,因为我想获得一些.IO 域来启动我的项目。所以,我从一个最终用户开始,我认为现在我仍然是一个最终用户,但我进入了域名投资,所以这就是 来自哪里的道路。沿着这些思路。











迈克尔:哇。这些开发人员,就像您一样,正在在线开发某些软件,产品或服务,并且他们希望使用.IO 域名。














迈克尔:好的。这就是迈克。看到Mike C很奇怪,因为我不是我的照片,但这是Mike Carson在Flippa上的个人资料。所以,当你没有收到关于你的域名的入站查询时,迈克,你正在积极在Flippa上出售其中一些,对吧?




迈克尔:这很聪明。好的,所以你可以在这里看到网址。这是。那是迈克的用户号码,我点击列表查看所有列表。不是他的反馈,而是他的清单,我可以看到你已经列出了 报价。我可以看到。大约两个月前,你以2600美元的价格卖掉了它。它有104个投标。这是很多出价。








迈克尔:哦,太好了。 1900美元。两个月前有38个投标。那个过去卖过,不是吗?




迈克尔:是的。三个月前, 以8,888美元的价格售出。四个月前 800。四个月前 1,005。 14千美元。那个看起来像这里板上的高位。


迈克尔:而且只有59个投标。所以,有时出价少了,出价多了,有时出价更高,但卖得不高。所以,这些看起来像动词和名词。片。想法。FB是一个首字母缩略词。VAL 也是一个首字母缩略词,除非我不明白从软件角度来看 VAL 是什么。

迈克:是的。我的意思是我喜欢那个的原因是因为 VAL 在编程中。这是编程中的一个词。



迈克尔:这很酷。好的,所以我们看到你通过Flippa进行的大量销售,有趣的是你使用Flippa,因为你不一定,我们稍后将讨论这个,你如何将最终用户带到Flippa,但你基本上把它作为一个交易引擎。您可以派人参加 GoDaddy 拍卖或 Sedo 拍卖。你为什么选择Flippa拍卖?




迈克尔:很酷。让我们来看看你的几个列表,因为我想了解你是如何做到的。这是 列表。这已经足够好了,以至于Flippa的编辑决定将其作为编辑的选择,然后给它一个额外的亮点。通过立即购买出售。8,888美元。你写了这个。非常难得的机会。最好的之一.IO 域。没有储备。然后你可以在这里看到卖家的笔记。优秀的投资。你可以准确地阅读。基本上你谈论为什么这是一项好的投资,为什么.IO已经起飞,谁实际正在使用.IO,并且投资者通过给予他们投资来支持他们。

这是维基百科。这是一篇关于 崛起的博客文章。呼所以,基本上,以防有人从未听说过.IO,您正在说服他们,您购买.COM以外的域名扩展名并不疯狂。



迈克:是的,竞标的人知道他们为什么想要。呼我想到了这个。所以,当你选择一个域名时,我只做了几年,所以我知道的不多,但是当我看东西时,你想给人留下深刻印象,你想要一些他们可以记住的东西,当你把它放在那里时,它就有力量。一个有实力的领域。当然.COM,就像你有,我的意思是那里就像完美一样,但如果这是你没有.COM的东西,如果你不能得到.COM,那是不可能的,人们知道。IO,我认为用像 这样的词启动它显示出很大的力量。

我知道如果我在Hacker News上推出它,如果我有一个服务,我在Hacker News上推出它,人们会留下深刻的印象。它会显示出很大的力量。

迈克尔:是的,所以我想向那些不了解软件、高科技社区的人说清楚。他们现在可能正在想,迈克,迈克疯了,因为我宁愿 而不是 或 而不是,但这不是你定位的最终用户的方式,联系你的最终用户,购买的70个人。在过去的一年里,您在单个交易中的IO域正在思考,对吗?

迈克:是的,我的意思是这完全取决于你的目标是谁以及你的业务是什么。如果您经营一家当地的绘画公司,那么也许会喜欢PaintingSolutions,但你能想象 或 吗?这只是我的观点,但它似乎很弱,甚至像GetSomething或。它比 弱得多。对我来说,这只是我从我的背景和东西来看的所有意见,但我认为这表明了更多的力量。

迈克尔:是的。好吧,您已经有了数据来支持它。这不仅仅是你对 与 的看法。您正在出售这些域名。你有向投资者销售的市场,但你也是一个个人投资者,你正在向像你这样的最终用户销售,这就是你建立市场的原因。所以,我想让人们明白,这是真实的数据。我向你展示了他在Flippa上卖的东西。我不知道你在私人市场上卖什么,但我倾向于相信你在做什么,因为我看到了朴槿惠正在发生的事情,因为我是 的活跃买家。

迈克:是的,我的意思是这是一个很好的观点。所以,我更多地是从最终用户的角度,但也是从域名投资的角度。很多人都说哦,你应该只和.COM一起去。COM为王。.COM为王。所以,显然它的价格更高。它的价值更高,就像 的价值会比这高得多,但作为投资者,你不应该只考虑事情。您应该从投资的角度考虑它。现在什么是更好的投资? 比 更好的投资吗?因此,从投资的角度考虑这一点很重要;不仅仅是在价值方面。

而且我认为这真的很有帮助。这就是我个人所做的,就是把事情分解成TLD。我的销售。我会看看我所有的销售额。我花在.LY 和我从中拿回来的所有钱.LY,和.IO和其他东西。分解单个字母、单词和其他东西。然后,从那里开始,对我来说很明显.与.COM相比,IO对我来说是一项巨大的投资。我想我在过去两年里卖了一只.COM。



迈克尔:是的。是的,我公开谈论它。我不会从 中购买一吨,但我认为自己是一个非常糟糕的开发人员。当我建立我的第一家媒体公司时,我自己编写了所有内容,八年后我多次被黑客入侵,因为我不知道如何跨CSS和XSS。我有很多漏洞。无论如何,所以我在编程方面是一个黑客,我喜欢.乔普。当我看到一个域名时,我会立即想到我会在此基础上构建什么。

所以,这就是为什么我喜欢它们,我在 上看到了某些域名。我忍不住出价,试着把它们捡起来。我之所以选择,是因为我知道对于每天、每周、每个月都在发生的所有初创公司来说,他们需要优秀的人才,并且会有一家人力资源公司只想为创业社区服务。也许拿公司的一部分。无论什么。所以,我拿起它,几个月后,从Efty登陆页面上,我以1500美元的价格卖掉了那个。所以,我不必去找任何人。他们来找我,这是一次轻松的销售,因为他们明白了,就像你的观点一样。



迈克尔:是的,所以你提出了一个很好的观点,我只是想在那里再次强调,迈克。好的,所以我们讨论了你卖什么。我们讨论了 的值。IO 域到这些正在创办公司的最终用户。现在,通常创业公司没有钱,迈克。你如何调和你已经得到这些的事实.IO,你想以数千美元的价格出售它们,对吧? 是一个价值百万美元的域名。 你卖了一万四千。所以,我们并不是说它们是平等的。我们只是说,如果你不能得到.COM,而不是去两三个字的.COM,你可以得到.呵呵。你如何调和创业公司愿意为一个词支付几千美元的事实。IO?

迈克:嗯,我个人认为域名的价格非常便宜。我的意思是他们做什么。这是您的品牌。我的意思是它太便宜了。所以,我认为很多人只是意识到了价值。 1.4万。我觉得从这个角度来看,就业务而言,它更有价值,我认为这些是很多初创公司,但很多初创公司都有几千人要为此付出,所以我认为它成功了。



迈克尔:是的,除非你违法,这就是UDRP存在的原因——你购买一个域名,希望从拥有商标的人那里获得经济利益,而你是恶意购买的。您恶意使用它 – 就像购买未使用的土地一样。当有人来找我或我去找拥有未使用土地的其他人时,我不会感到难过,他们告诉我价格是多少,我可以付或不付。我不认为他们是擅自占地者,因为他们没有使用它。我认识很多开发人员。我知道Reddit社区,以及他们会怎么说它而不是我,但我同意。



迈克尔:是的,就是这里。看啊。从 2005 年、2007 年、2011 年、2013 年、2015 年,你会看到一个峰值,然后砰的一声,看起来它实际上是一个错误。看起来它不应该走那么高。





迈克:是的,就是这些奇怪的事情发生了。所以。呵呵。我进入它是因为技术名称。这就像初创公司之类的东西,但现在有一整个类型的游戏是.IO游戏。从我认为 开始。







迈克尔:所以,在我按下录制按钮之前,我提到我女儿今天过了14岁生日,我们出去吃早餐,我儿子带了他的iPad,他正在玩Tank。这是一个新游戏,就像Slither一样,所有的孩子都在玩,他称之为Tanki Online。我去搜索了一下,有些人实际上正在使用 我认为是Tanki Online,他们只是使用域名 即使Tanki Online没有在他们的游戏中使用该域名。








迈克尔:我将不得不回来重新审视这一点。好的,这就是.谷歌趋势上的IO图。因此,如果您以前没有使用过Google趋势,请转到,然后输入域名。你可以在全球范围内查看它。您可以按时间段、类别和 Web 搜索查看它。你给我看的另一件事是.IO 与另一个 gTLD .ORG 的比较。所以,这张图上有趣的地方 – .ORG 是红色和 .IO是蓝色的-, .ORG有很多公司。很多非营利组织都在使用.ORG,但是看看谷歌的趋势,随着时间的推移搜索.ORG,然后看看四月份刚刚发生的十字架,那里。IO激增,使用Google搜索该域名越来越感兴趣。


迈克尔:所以,你可以看到人们在寻找什么。他们将输入PBS .ORG或PBS Kids .ORG,因此这就是Google查看其中一些兴趣的方式,然后将其与.呵呵。这是游戏。IO 或 Slither .IO 或 .IO域,因为人们想要了解什么.IO是他们到处看到。



迈克:是的。我的意思是EstiBot很棒。我一直在使用它,但我认为.IO 它还没有考虑到技术,比如它的启动方面,所以这就是我开发另一种方法的原因。

迈克尔:快速旁注,如果你在另一个变化迅速的行业,这可能是一个利基市场,我们可以称之为。这是一个利基市场。一个很小的,很小的利基市场。不要贬低你的市场或任何东西,迈克。显然,你这样做赚了很多钱,但这是一个利基市场,财富在利基市场,所以你需要看看你在另一个行业有什么专业知识,你可以听听迈克的话,以及他是如何做估值的,看看是否有一些你可以做类似的事情, 类似的行业适合你。所以,我只是想把它扔进去吸引人们。我不希望人们只是想哦,那是.呵呵。我不投资这个。我不会那样做。我希望他们跳出框框思考,说我投资什么,迈克为他的估值系统做了什么,以及我的行业中是否有类似的东西可以我看看。




Mike:但是我还有其他域名,比如 和,EstiBot认为它大约有两三百个,我知道它的价值远不止于此。所以,是的,这让我想到了另一种方法。这个秘密方法,我现在就要揭晓。那么,我应该吗?





首先,如果您从私人方购买域名并想知道他们还拥有什么,那么您应该使用 工具。查看他们的整个投资组合,按Estibot价值过滤,成为更好的投资者。每月 49.95 次查询 250 美元。访问 了解更多信息。

其次,Efty是由域名投资者建立的,旨在增加您的查询,销售和利润。忘记电子表格和存档电子邮件 — 使用安全且完全保密的平台在一个地方管理您的整个投资组合。在 了解更多信息,即e – f – t – y,。

最后,如果您正在为如何购买、出售和评估域名而苦苦挣扎,您需要 结账。由我,DomainSherpa的迈克尔 Cyger出版,并受到Uniregistry的信任来培训他们的新员工,您也可以使用DNAcademy加速学习系统进行域名投资。在 了解更多信息。



Mike:所以,版本控制是一种跟踪你对软件所做的更改的方法,你可以使用不同的程序来跟踪它,其中一个叫做Git。Github是一种在线方式,就像一种跟踪这一点的社交方式,你可以与其他开发人员合作,所以你可以托管开源项目和类似的东西。不过,它真的很受欢迎,并且有数百万用户。他们都是开发人员,基本上都是使用 .IO 域。


迈克:没错。是的,当我聘请开发人员时,我会查看他们的 Github,看看他们在做什么。对我来说,这比大学学位重要得多。










Mike:所以,是的,它说我们已经找到了 50,728 个存储库结果。所以,这个数字结果就是我用作指标的。它不是一门精确的科学,而是作为该领域的评估值。所以,我会评估价值:Github对该价值的评估将是Type的50,728美元。

迈克尔:哇。因此,每个存储库结果的域名 Type 值为一美元,然后附加 .IO,所以。








迈克尔:是的,有一个名为Type Echo的博客平台。2,193人正在关注它。七百人已经分叉了它,这意味着他们已经将整个代码库纳入了自己的帐户,并且他们正在开发自己的版本。




迈克尔:类型主题。所以,基本上它会告诉你这个人是谁,然后是项目或存储库的名称,然后他们有他们写的任何描述。所以,免费和开源的杰基尔主题。我什至不知道杰基尔是什么。展示谷歌网络字体目录中的最佳字体。那真的看到会很酷。FlowType.js,所以这是一个JavaScript。您可以看到这是一个级联样式表 (CSS)。嘭。我什至不知道那是什么。






迈克尔:所以, 的价值是几百美元。










迈克尔:就是这样,伙计。所以,这是。26百元售价。815 搜索结果。瓦尔。我只是把它们按顺序排列,将它们添加到电子表格中,然后把它扔在这里,因为我想看看它们之间是否存在相关性,所以没有直接的相关性。这是VAL,这是一个低销售价格。一千美元,如果你花60美元或一百或三百美元购买,获得多次回报,没有人会抱怨。但是你会认为这个会有一个非常高的峰值,但一般来说,如果它有一个销售价格的峰值,它在搜索结果中也会有一个峰值。这是一个高峰。它的数量级不同,但你确实有一对不太匹配,比如 VAL 和 Well。

迈克:是的,这很有趣。所以,Github搜索。因此,当您键入 VAL 时,它会返回很多结果,例如 28,000 个结果,但这也返回值的结果,因此无法搜索它以查找关键字的完全匹配项。它搜索以 VAL 开头的任何单词。


迈克:是的,所以我希望。我联系了他们的支持,希望能有办法做到这一点,但没有。所以,是的,这是其中一个问题。如果您在Google中输入TYP,它将显示比类型更高的值,因为会有更多的结果,并且 不好。



迈克尔:是的,当然。好吧,但总的来说,我想看看这些会匹配吗?搜索量中的高点和搜索量的低点是否与销售价格的高点和销售价格的低点相匹配,并且通常确实匹配。所以,这不是一门精确的科学。会有例外,但我认为你确定相对价值的过程 – 什么价值更高,什么价值更低 – 在Github上是一个很棒的系统,Mike。


迈克尔:是的,让我们看看这里。哦,我想问你的一件事是,很多这些价格都是整数,我不希望它们在 Flippa 的无底价拍卖中是这样的整数,人们会把它敲出一块五美元或一美元一块,但这些都是相当整数。你认为他们为什么那样工作?

迈克:我现在买了很多次。如果在拍卖开始时有很多有趣的东西,人们会伸出援手,他们会像我现在想买它一样,所以有时我会把现在买的价格放在那里,他们会接受它,所以这可能是这种情况, 就像 和 一样,可能还有。其中的一些。












话筒;谁知道呢?也许它会达到 45,000。我的意思是 卖了45000,所以我不知道。也许我这样做犯了一个巨大的错误,但无论如何。



迈克尔:好的。所以,其中很多不一定是市场会承受的零售价,因为你可能以高于零售价的价格出售它,或者你可能以低于实际零售价的价格出售它,所以我只想向人们指出,本专栏中的销售价格, 在某些情况下,只是现在就买。所以,这就是为什么你可能不一定看到。不一定是说,迈克·卡森(Mike Carson)提出的估值系统可能是正确的,也可能是错误的,或者无论如何。我只是想指出,这里还有一些人们应该注意的其他因素。

好吧,现在我们知道了.IO 正在起飞。我们知道,对于我们这些不一定在软件领域的人来说,有一个不同的估值系统来弄清楚软件开发人员和初创公司在考虑与他们的代码库有关的想法,并转到Github并搜索存储库结果。但是如果我拿,如果我拥有它并在我的 Flippa 帐户上列出它,是的,我可能会在第一天得到一些出价,但我认为我现在不会得到 14,000 美元的出价购买它,所以你正在做一些与我们其他人不同的事情,他们只是积极上市, 而是被动地等待人们找到。你在做什么不同,迈克?






迈克尔:所以,你来找用户。您为可能实际开发的初创公司寻找名称。这里就像TypeSafe。也许它在比利时,这是这个人的电子邮件地址,他们可能对 感兴趣,因为他们是开发人员。否则他们就不会在 Github 上,所以他们可能理解 .IO,他们可能想要出价。因此,您将与他们联系,让他们知道它现在正在Flippa拍卖。



迈克:是的。所以,我试着找到那些看起来更私人的,比如你正在联系一个特定的人,然后我只是发一封电子邮件,比如嘿,我说出他们的名字。我在Github上找到了你。我想你可能对此感兴趣。但如果它像Hello@CompanyName,那么我要做的是我通常会点击公司,所以如果你只想点击其中一个。然后,在右边,有人,所以这些人是最大的贡献者。可能是管理这家公司 Github 网站的人。所以,然后我会点击他们的个人资料并查看他们的电子邮件地址,或者有时他们不会有它。他们只会有一个主页,然后你可以从那里得到它。但基本上你可以向下钻取。如果它看起来像是一封通用电子邮件,那么它就不那么个人化了。





迈克尔:你都是手动完成的。是的,好的。所以,有趣的是,我最近在 上购买了,因为我想弹出。我喜欢这样,因为每个人都想杀死弹出窗口或拥有弹出窗口。营销人员很糟糕,但你需要营销才能销售东西。因此,您来到DomainSherpa,您将在右侧看到一个小弹出窗口,要求您加入我们的时事通讯。这是一个不引人注目的。它不会出现在屏幕中间或类似的东西,但我需要一个弹出窗口,并且软件一直在改进。


Mike:是的,所以理想情况下,我们希望所有的域名都经过,所以我甚至让我现在私人拥有的750域名中的很多。我让它们过期并经历,因为它更容易实现全部自动化,一切都要经过。所以, 是我们私人拥有的。


现在,如果我在搜索中输入弹出窗口,您的系统会显示 4,219 美元,因为大致有这么多,这与我们正在谈论的数量级基本相同。因此,如果我来到用户面前并且正在浏览您的系统,那么这些是标题中弹出弹出窗口的 53 个用户。第一个,巴伐利亚州的弹出窗口。你认为这对我来说是一个好追求还是不追求?


迈克尔:对,事情就是这样。您在此处登录,如果他们有活动,则活动较少为灰色,较多活动为深色。他们的活动为零,所以他们甚至在 Github 上都不活跃,所以即使我确实在这里列出了电子邮件地址,他们也不是我联系的好人选。


迈克尔:好的。好吧,然后因为你是手动执行此操作的,所以你不想浪费你的时间。您想找到合适的人来联系。所以,Popup Arcade就在我自己的西雅图小镇。他们在这里确实有很多存储库。哦,他们实际上没有列出人员。


迈克尔:嗯,它看起来甚至不像是一个真正的网站,但也许他们有一些东西即将推出。您会尝试找出 的电子邮件地址吗?



迈克:是的,我会这样做,因为它看起来像是一封个人电子邮件。看起来他们会感兴趣。我的意思是这就是名字。弹出存档,以及他们现在拥有的域名。我认为获得 将是一种改进,或者至少对他们来说是有价值的,所以是的,我认为他们会感兴趣,我肯定会伸出援手。

迈克尔:现在,为什么我没有看到我在第一个上看到的相同的活动图表,即使我可以看到这个存储库在 13 天前更新,所以它们相对活跃。




迈克尔:是的。好吧。所以,这基本上是你的过程。你只需在这里列出。所以,这是你所说的一个。[email protected]。你认为弹出式营地,因为它是一个营地,会想要升级到 吗?

迈克:我想他们可能会感兴趣。我的意思是 是一个很好和简短的。它与他们的名字相匹配。我会联系他们,因为我认为他们会感兴趣。








迈克:嗯,是的,如果 没有被 上的任何人抢注,那么它要么就变得可用,要么我会得到它。也许我会保留它,更新它,或者其他什么。所以,我不会把它强行 用户的喉咙或任何东西上。只是如果人们感兴趣,那么是的,它就会在那里。但如果他们不缺货,它就不会去那里。








迈克:很少见。这实际上很少见。我的意思是我确实得到了一些,我试图回复他们。不是防御性的。我试着表现得好像我真的很抱歉。我试着表现得好一点,事后赢得他们的支持,也许会提供帮助,或者我会像你一样 上获得99美元的信用额度。对此我很抱歉。所以,是的,我的意思是有一些,但并没有那么糟糕。如果你伸出援手,而不是自动化,如果你认为某人真的感兴趣,你认为他们可能真的感兴趣,那么我认为你没问题。

迈克尔:是的。所以,如果有人现在在想,男孩,我可以用Type抓取每个人,并通过我的自动化系统将他们 发送,这是一个蹩脚的域名,首先,它不是一个相关的报价,你将通过Github接触到观众。所以,你在那里的几个不同点上失败了,我甚至会说,不要为我们其他人搞砸它。迈克来了。他正在分享有关这个市场的信息,我们中的任何人都可能没有意识到,只是不要为我们搞砸它。做诚实的人。找到人们真正想要但被低估的优质域名,然后将它们提供给合适的人,不要过火。慢慢地进入它。


迈克尔:是的,因为每次收到一封蹩脚域名的电子邮件时,我都会拿出我的域名巫毒娃娃,因为它有一个我拥有的两个单词的域名,有人只是在抓取 WhoIS 数据库并向我发送他们写得不好、语法容易出错的电子邮件,问我是否要购买它。我在那个域名巫毒娃娃上插了另一个别针,希望这会给他们带来一点痛苦。所以,不要成为那个人。






Mike:是的,很多时候,或者有时我会做 域,所以是的,这是非常基本的。




迈克:是的。是的,它工作得很好。我的意思是它对 有效。我想买那个人是我像这样发电子邮件的人。





迈克尔:是的,有很多人也有同样的感觉,我很感激你来到这里,让我帮助讲述这个故事,帮助人们成为负责任的投资者,思考正确的事情,而不一定试图最大化域名的每一分钱, 但是把域名交到合适的人手中,他们会使用它,他们会富有成效并创造一些伟大的东西。软件。软件正在接管。一切都将用软件编写。总有一天,我会低温冷冻我的身体,直到有一个机器人可以让我的大脑进入,然后我将通过由我的大脑控制的软件自动化永远生活。这不会让我感到惊讶。



点击迈克的推特句柄。给他一个简短的感谢。假设我正在某个区域使用它。您不需要告诉我们哪个区域。也许你会。也许你告诉我们你在哪个地区。那听着也很酷。我知道 Mike 想听听发生了什么,因为作为分享的开发人员,听到其他人正在做 Mike 帮助启发的事情很酷。所以,我将是第一个向迈克表示感谢的人。

迈克·卡森,感谢您再次参加DomainSherpa Show,分享您的评估和销售系统。IO域名,并感谢您成为其他人的重复域名夏尔巴人。



On today’s show, we revisit the growing popularity of .IO domain names, show you a quick hack on how to value them, and show you how to reach the right end users to sell them. Stay tuned.

Michael Cyger: Hey Sherpa Network, my name is Michael Cyger, and I’m the Publisher of – the website where you can learn how to become a successful domain name investor or entrepreneur directly from the experts. I had today’s Sherpa on the show back in early 2015 to discuss .IO domain names and his drop-catching service called I did it because I saw value in .IO domain names and had used his marketplace to buy for 1655 dollars that I flipped 30 days later for six thousand dollars.

In the past year, .IO domain names have continued to grow in use and value, and today we are going to discuss a valuation system and process for selling .IO domain names. Get your notebooks and pencils ready. I am pleased to welcome back to Domain Sherpa the Founder of, Mike Carson. Welcome, Mike.

Mike Carson: Thanks. Thanks for having me back.

Michael: Love the trucker’s hat. Give us a little. There you go.

Mike: Thanks.

Michael: So, Mike is going to wear that at NamesCon coming up in January. Maybe he will bring a couple extra for a couple users.

Mike: Yeah. Okay, yeah, sure.

Michael: Awesome. Everybody loves those. What is the popularity of trucker’s hats nowadays?

Mike: I do not know, yeah.

Michael: It is everywhere.

Mike: Yeah. I mean it was cheap to make and it is kind of cool. I mean it is nice to have if your hair is all messy. Bedhead or something.

Michael: Totally, yeah. All right, and yours probably is because you have got a newborn at home, and so you probably just rolled out of bed and came here.

Mike: Yeah, it has been crazy.

Michael: It is afternoon. All right, congrats on your newborn, by the way.

Mike: Thanks.

Michael: All right. For anyone that is just hearing about .IO domain names for the first time on this show, you should scroll down to Mike’s bio on this pair and click through to see his other show from 2015. Mike, .IO is the country code top-level domain or CCTLD for the British Indian Ocean Territory. I do not even know where that is. Do you?

Mike: No, I have no idea.

Michael: A lot of CCTLD, like .LY, .IO, and .ME, are being used as hacks by startup companies. And not even as hacks. They just want to use a short, cool, top-level domain and they have picked a lot of these CCTLDs. You have noticed this on your marketplace because you used to just sell .IO, .LY, and .ME, and now you have .TO, .SH, .AC, .VC, .GG, and .JE. You keep adding CCTLDs. Which ones are the most popular on your marketplace?

Mike: Well, .IO is definitely the most popular. I kind of list them in order. The tabs along the top are kind of in the order of popularity, but yeah, .IO. .LY is probably second, and then .CO.

Michael: So, you have .TO before .ME. That surprises me. You sell more .TOs than you do .ME.

Mike: Yeah, .ME. I do not know what has happened. Maybe it is just a lot of the good ones are taken or something, but it does not seem as popular. I thought it would be more popular.

Michael: Yeah, me too.

Mike: But I mean it is still used. I still see people using About.Me and things like that, but it seems like it has gone down since before, when it was a lot more popular.

Michael: Yeah. And you just hit a major milestone on in terms of sales volume, right?

Mike: Yeah, we just passed one million in revenue.

Michael: Wow, one million. The big seven figures. And how long did it take you to hit one million?

Mike: It has been about two years.

Michael: Wow, congratulations.

Mike: Thanks. Yeah, actually I just ran the numbers and June was our best month so far and it was actually almost double our previous best month, which was the month before, so it is going pretty well.

Michael: That is awesome. Do you consider to be a drop-catching service and a marketplace or it is just a marketplace?

Mike: I consider a drop-catching service.

Michael: You do.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Okay. So, I can go to your service, put in a backorder for, hopefully you do not outbid me, and then your service will catch it, but it will be auctioned off as well.

Mike: As long as another person backorders it. If you are the only person that backorders it, then you get it for 99 dollars.

Michael: Right. Okay, and then you are buying them for less than 99 dollars, right?

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: So, that is how makes money, is that you get them for less. About 60 dollars or something different?

Mike: Yeah, we get a discounted rate.

Michael: Discounted.

Mike: Yeah, but actually sometimes we pay more. It is like we really try to get that. So, we put all the expiring domains on there and sometimes they will get renewed right beforehand, and if there are a lot of orders, and I will even try to reach out to the person who renewed it, the owner, and see if we could buy it to get it on

Michael: Oh, wow.

Mike: So, there are times where I pay more than 99, but it is usually lower.

Michael: So, you are not just setting the marketplace off. Go operate. You are actually doing a lot of management of it as well, because some names will not just be a catch. You will need to go negotiate with the seller or you will put a backorder yourself in with the registry in order to get it, so it is a lot of work on your part.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah, I mean I try to be pretty aggressive to get all the ones that come in.

Michael: Yeah, that is awesome. So, you originally, if I am correct and if I remember correctly from last year, you built for your own use originally, but then you opened it up for others to use as well . Correct?

Mike: Yeah, I have been thinking about this and I think I am originally an end user for .IO domains. I am a developer and I started to get into domains because I wanted to get some .IO domains to launch my projects on. And so, I started as an end user and I think now I am still an end user, but I moved into the domain investing, and so that is kind of the path of where came from. Along those lines.

Michael: Yeah. How many .IO domain names do you currently own today would you say?

Mike: I would say a little under one thousand probably. Probably like seven hundred.

Michael: That is a lot of domains.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: And how many have you sold in the past 12 months would you say?

Mike: I think it is around one hundred private sales. Yeah, one hundred private sales.

Michael: Wow. And how many of those were end users contacting you to buy them roughly verses like you actively selling them on a marketplace, which we are going to discuss later in the show?

Mike: I would say it is probably a little over half are end users coming. Maybe 65 percent or something. That would be my guess. Maybe more. 70.

Michael: 65 to 70 percent end users coming to you.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Wow. Those are developers, just like you, that are working on some software, a product or a service online, and they want to use a .IO domain name.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: What do they want? What kinds of names?

Mike: A lot of different ones. I mean everything you can think of. I could look. Let’s see here just really quick. Just sold A lot of

Michael: So, what we can say is that they are all single-word .IOs.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Nouns. Verbs. I did not hear any adjectives, like great or bright.

Mike: Yeah, I guess I never really thought about it that way. I just kind of go with gut feel on a lot of these.

Michael: Yeah, go with gut feel in buying them or selling them you mean.

Mike: In buying them.

Michael: Buying them, but you have also converted that gut feel into a process that we are going to discuss too, right?

Mike: Yeah. There are a few different indicators, and then I mean at the end it is gut feel too.

Michael: Right. Definitely. All right, so what I am going to do right now is I am going to start sharing my screen. I think you are going to be able to see it, Mike, because then I want to go through some sales that you have made and then your process. So, let me go to share screen, and I want to share window. Okay. Mike, do you see the Chrome screen?

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Okay. So, this is Mike. It is weird to see Mike C, because I am like that is not my picture, but this is Mike Carson’s profile on Flippa. So, when you do not receive inbound inquiries on your domain names, Mike, you are actively selling some of them on Flippa, right?

Mike: Yeah. I mean I was trying to list like one per week or something just to keep the domains rotating and stuff. I was trying to do it on a regular schedule, but I have kind of slacked off on that, but it is not necessarily the ones that do not get any inbound inquiries. Sometimes if I get like a few different inquiries for the same domain, I will just put it on auction and then send the link to all the people that asked about it so that they can bid against each other.

Michael: So, even if you get inquiries and then it does not turn out to pan out with a sale, you will save that information and then if you later auction it, you will send them an email and let them know.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: That is smart. All right, and so you can see the URL up here. It is That is Mike’s user number, and I clicked on Listings to look at all the listings. Not his feedback, but his listings, and I can see that you have listed with make an offer. I can see You sold it for 26 hundred dollars about two months ago. It had 104 bids. That is a lot of bids.

Mike: Yeah, I mean I try to list everything no reserve and just get as much attention as I can. I feel like that is the best way to do it.

Michael: Yeah, and the no reserve gets everybody excited because they think I could buy it for one dollars, right?

Mike: Well, exactly, and it also forces people. If you put it at no reserve, they know it is going to sell, and so they have to do something about it. If they want the name, if they have interest in the name, they have to do something about it.

Michael: Yeah, and they realize that if they do not, that somebody else could get it and that could be their ideal name. It could be the best name that they can get for the money at this point in time.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Yeah. All right, so you sold for 999 dollars two months ago. 57 bids. It says won make an offer. Usually you see either make an offer it was won.

Mike: Yeah, that one was the high bidder did not pay, but then I negotiated after the fact with somebody and sold it.

Michael: Oh, great. for 19 hundred dollars. 38 bids two months ago. That one sold in the past, didn’t it?

Mike: It sold, but the high bidder did not pay. I mean I was not too disappointed with that because I was hoping it would go for more.

Michael: Yeah. What was the sale price even though it did not conclude?

Mike: I think it was around five to six thousand.

Michael: Yeah. sold for 8,888 dollars three months ago. for 800 four months ago. for 1,005 four months ago. for 14 thousand dollars. That one looks like the high one on the board here.

Mike: Yeah, I think that was my highest one on Flippa.

Michael: And only 59 bids. So, sometimes it is less bids and it gets more, and sometimes it is more bids, but it does not quite sell for as much. So, these look like verbs and nouns. Tablet. Idea. FB is an acronym. VAL is an acronym too unless I do not understand what VAL is from a software perspective.

Mike: Yeah. I mean the reason I liked that one is because VAL is in programming. It is a word in programming.

Michael: Like value.

Mike: Yeah, but I think the person who got it, their name was Val.

Michael: That is cool. All right, so we see a ton of sales that you are making just through Flippa, and it is interesting that you use Flippa because you are not necessarily, and we are going to talk about this later, how you bring the end users to Flippa, but you are basically using it as a transaction engine. You could send people to GoDaddy auctions or Sedo auctions. Why do you choose to Flippa auctions?

Mike: That is where I started, and so I have kind of just always used it. It seems to work well with me, with what I am using it for. I have a following on there. I know how to use it. I know Kevin. I like Kevin from Flippa. So, I do not know.

Michael: Yeah, you just went with it and now you are a super seller there, so you get that little S with a green badge because you have sold so many and had so many good transactions.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Cool. Let’s take a look at a couple of your listings because I want to understand how you do it. This is the listing. It was good enough that the editors over at Flippa decided to make it an editor’s choice, which then gives it an extra highlight. Sold by buy it now. 8,888 dollars. You wrote this. Very rare opportunity. One of the best .IO domains. No reserve. And then you can see the seller’s notes right here. Excellent investment. You can read exactly. Basically you talk about why it is a good investment, why .IO has taken off, who is actually using .IO, and that investors are supporting them by giving them investment in it.

Here is the Wikipedia. Here is a blog post about the rise of .IO. So, basically, in case anybody has never heard of .IO, you are convincing them that you are not crazy for buying a domain name extension other than .COM.

Mike: Yeah, exactly. I mean I feel like a lot of that description is not really necessary. It is just something I kind of copy and paste every time.

Michael: Every single time, right, because it is identical if I go over here to It is the exact same thing.

Mike: Yeah, the people who are bidding on it know why they want .IO. I thought about this. So, when you are choosing a domain name, and I have only been doing this for a couple years, so I do not know a lot, but when I watch things, you want to impress and you want to have something that they could remember and it has strength when you put it out there. A domain that has strength. And of course .COM, like if you have, I mean that is like perfect right there, but if it is something that you do not have the .COM, if you cannot get the .COM, it is not possible, people know .IO and I think it shows a lot of strength to launch with a word like

I know if I launched that on Hacker News, if I had a service and I launched it on Hacker News, people would be impressed. It would show a lot of strength.

Michael: Yeah, and so I want to make it clear for people that are watching that do not understand the software, high-tech community. They may be thinking right now, Mike, Mike is crazy because I would rather have rather than or rather than, but that is not the way the end users you are targeting, the end users that are contacting you, the 70 people that bought .IO domains from you on an individual transaction over the past year are thinking, right?

Mike: Yeah, I mean it all depends on who you are targeting and what your business is. If you are running a local painting company, then maybe like PaintingSolutions, but can you imagine or This is just my opinion, but it seems so weak, or even like GetSomething or It is so much more weak than To me, and this is all my opinion just from my background and stuff, but that shows a lot more strength I think.

Michael: Yeah. Well, and you have got the data to back it up. It is not just your opinion about versus You are selling these domain names. You have the marketplace where you are selling to investors, but you are also an individual investor and you are selling to end users just like yourself, which is why you built the marketplace. So, I want to make it clear to people that this is real data. I showed you what he is selling on Flippa. I do not know exactly what you are selling in the private markets, but I tend to believe what you are doing because I see what is happening on Park because I am an active buyer on

Mike: Yeah, I mean that is a good point. So, I was speaking more about the end user perspective, but also from a domain investing perspective. A lot of people are like oh, you should only go with .COM. .COM is king. .COM is king. So, obviously it is higher priced. It is higher value, like would be worth a lot more than this, but as an investor, you should not just think about things. You should think about it in terms of investment. What is a better investment right now? Is a better investment than So, it is important to think about it in terms of investment; not just in terms of value.

And also I think it is really helpful. This is what I do personally, is break things up into TLD. My sales. I will look at all my sales. All the money that I spent in .LY and all the money I am getting back from .LY, and .IO, and other things. Break up single-letter, words, and stuff. And then, from there, for me it has become obvious that .IO has been a great investment for me compared to like .COM. I think I sold one .COM in the last two years.

Michael: Wow.

Mike: So, this is just from my perspective and things to think about for other investors.

Michael: Yeah. Yeah, and I talk publicly about it. I do not buy a ton off of, but I consider myself to be a really bad developer. When I built my first media company, I programmed everything myself, and I got hacked multiple times like eight years later because I do not know how to do cross CSS and XSS. I had tons of vulnerabilities. Anyways, so I am a hack when it comes to programming and I like the .IOs. When I see a domain name, I immediately think what would I build on top of that.

So, that is why I like them, and I see certain domain names on I cannot help but put in a bid and try and pick them up. I picked up because I know for all the startups that are happening every single day, week, month, they need great people and there is going to be a staffing company that is going to want to serve just the startup community. Maybe take a piece of the company. Whatever. And so, I picked it up and just a few months later, from an Efty landing page, I sold that one for 15 hundred dollars. So, I did not have to go to anybody. They came to me and it was an easy sale because they get it, just like to your point.

And so, the thing that I try and tell students in DNAcademy is that there are many ways to make money in domain name investing. You may not get robots or drones. You do not understand social media. Maybe you do not know about the healthcare industry. So, you do not want to invest in those things, but if you know startups and you understand and you enjoy reading about startups in TechCrunch and looking at who is getting funded in CrunchBase and all that sort of stuff, .IOs are a good place to make money because they like them.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Yeah, so you make a great point that I just wanted to reemphasize there, Mike. Okay, so we talked about what you are selling. We talked about the value of .IO domains to these end users who are starting companies. Now, typically startups do not have any money, Mike. How do you reconcile the fact that you have got these .IOs and you want to sell them for in the thousands, right? is a million-dollar domain name. you sold for 14 thousand. So, we are not saying they are equal. We are just saying if you cannot get the .COM, instead of going for a two or three-word .COM, you can get the .IO. How do you reconcile the fact that startups are willing to pay a few thousand dollars for a single-word .IO?

Mike: Well, personally I think domains are so cheap for what they offer. I mean for what they do. It is your brand. I mean it is just so cheap. So, I think a lot of these people just realize the value. for 14 thousand. I feel like it is so much more valuable in terms of the business from that standpoint, and I think these are a lot of startups, but a lot of startups have a few thousand to put up for this, so I think it works out.

Michael: Yeah, and they realize. The ones that are not really bitter about having to buy domain names from investors, they realize that it is an investment that is going to help with their branding and they realize they need to buy a domain name. A good brand for their startup.

Mike: I mean at first, as a developer, when I was doing all these domain things, I was like am I a domain squatter. Like oh man, am I the bad guy? But then after selling one hundred, it is like 99 of those sales the people are so grateful, like thank you so much. They are so happy to get that domain. Then I realized I did not feel like the bad guy anymore. I feel like it is providing something.

Michael: Yeah, unless you are breaking the law, which is why UDRP is there – you are buying a domain name in the hopes of financially benefiting from somebody who has a trademark on it and you bought it in bad faith. You are using it in bad faith -, it is just like buying unused land. And I do not feel badly when somebody comes to me or I go to somebody else who owns unused land and they tell me what the price is, and I could pay or not pay. I do not think they are a squatter because they are not using it. I know a lot of developers. I know the Reddit community and what they would say about it versus I, but I agree.

So, what trends can you point to, to validate your knowledge of the growing trend in .IO domain names, Mike?

Mike: Well, yeah, I mean besides the sales coming in and stuff, there is the Google Trends link I sent you. The graph on that. I mean it is just going crazy.

Michael: Yeah, here it is. Look at that. It is nothing from 2005, 2007, 2011, 2013, 2015 you see a spike, and then bam, it looks like it is actually an error. It does not look like it should be going that high.

Mike: And the funny thing is it looked like that in 2013.

Michael: Right, because if you take off the big, you see a little spike there in 2013 there that was probably similar to what it looks like now.

Mike: Yeah, but it has gone nuts. I mean more than I could have imagined that it would go.

Michael: Yeah, and if you scroll down here, the regional interest you need to be careful of because it is interest in Ecuador for people that are searching. So, I do not look at that, but the related searches. check this out. Here are the queries on Google that is causing that massive spike.

Mike: Yeah, it is just these weird things that happened. So, .IO. I got into it because of tech names. It is like startups and stuff, but now there is a whole genre of games that are .IO games. Started from I think

Michael: Right here. Yeah.


Michael: Yeah, my kids call it Slitherio. They play that one all the time. Before I even knew that they were on a .IO domain name, they were like hey dad, watch me play Slitherio.

Mike: Yeah, and so now all these games are being created with .IO, so it is interesting that that happened.

Michael: It is. So, you think just the gaming industry going to the .IO has driven that major spike this year.

Mike: I think that has a lot to do with it. I think that definitely has a lot to do with it, yeah.

Michael: So, I mentioned just before I hit the record button that my daughter had her 14th birthday today and we went out to breakfast, and my son brought his iPad and he was playing Tank. It is a new game, just like Slither, that all the kids are playing, and he calls it Tanki Online. And I went and searched and some people are actually using I think for the Tanki Online, and they are just using the domain name even though Tanki Online is not using that domain name for their game.

Mike: Yeah. So, I mean this is something unexpected that happened. I mean it is kind of just random luck. So, yeah, we own and we just noticed we were getting a ton of traffic, so I put it on Parking Crew and it is making a lot of money, like one thousand dollars per day.

Michael: That is crazy. So, you bought this domain name for 50, 60, whatever bucks, like that order of magnitude, and suddenly it is making one thousand dollars per day because that one game started using it.

Mike: Yeah. And so, everybody watching this, all the people who have .IO domains, check your traffic because you may have really lucked out. And if you have not yet, I mean these games are being created all the time. So, do not sell your .IO domains that sound like games too inexpensively yet because they could really pay off.

Michael: Yeah, so that is a lottery ticket. That is just crazy awesome. Congratulations on that. Would you consider selling it if somebody came to you, because this is going to be a transient effect? This game is going to fall off and some other game is going to replace it in a month or two months or three months. If somebody came to you and said hey Mike, I will buy it from you today for 30 days revenue, would you sell it?

Mike: Not 30 days. No way. Six figures. I will do it for six figures.

Michael: And by the time that loses its value, you will probably have six figures out of it.

Mike: Yeah, probably.

Michael: I am going to have to come back and revisit that. All right, so this is the .IO graph on Google Trends. So, if you have not used Google Trends before, go to and you can type in a domain name. And you can look at it worldwide. You can look at it by time period, categories, and web search. The other thing you showed me is .IO compared to another gTLD, .ORG. And so, what is interesting on this graph – .ORG is in red and .IO is in blue -, .ORG has a lot of companies. A lot of not-for-profits are using .ORG, but look at the Google Trends, the searching for .ORG over time, and then look at the cross right here that just happened in April, where .IO shot up and it is being more interest using Google search for that domain name.

Mike: Yeah, this whole gaming thing. I mean who knows what is going to happen, but it has kind of just started, so it is maybe a really great time to invest in .IO.

Michael: So, you can see what people are searching for. They will type in PBS .ORG or PBS Kids .ORG, so that is how Google is looking at the interest of some of these and then comparing it to the .IO. It is Games .IO or Slither .IO or .IO Domains because people want to understand what the .IO is that they keep seeing all over the place.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Yeah. All right, very cool. Just wanted to show that graph to the audience. So, let’s get into your valuation system. You have a way to value .IO domain names because you were not seeing the valuations on EstiBot reflecting the true valuations that you were getting in the end user market.

Mike: Yeah. I mean EstiBot is great. I use it all the time, but I think for .IO it does not yet take into account the tech, like the startup aspect of it, and so that is why I developed this other method.

Michael: Which, quick side note, if you are in another industry that is changing rapidly that maybe is a niche, and we could call this. This is a niche. A teeny, little niche. Not to belittle your marketplace or anything, Mike. Clearly you are making a lot of money doing it, but it is a niche, and the riches are in the niches, and so you need to look and see what expertise you have in another industry that you can listen to Mike and how he does his valuation and look to see if there is something that you might be able to do in a similar, analogous industry for you. So, I just wanted to throw that in to get people. I do not want people to just think oh, that is .IO. I do not invest in that. I am not going to do that. I want them to think out of the box and say what do I invest in, what is Mike doing for his valuation system, and is there something that is similar in my industry that I can take a look at.

So, EstiBot was not cutting it for you, so then what were you doing, Mike?

Mike: So, just as an example for Estibot, I think they estimated it at like ten thousand, which I cannot really see a startup. To me, I did not really think it was worth that much. I mean maybe. So, they are probably basing it more on keyword and stuff.

Michael: Right.

Mike: But then I have other domains, like and, which EstiBot puts it at like two hundred or three hundred and I know it is worth a lot more than that. So, yeah, that made me think about this other method. This secret method, which I am going to reveal right now. So, should I?

Michael: Yeah, let’s do it.

Mike: Is it time?

Michael: It is time. Ba-bam.

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Mike: So, yeah, Github.

Michael: So, what is Github, first of all?

Mike: So, version control is a way to keep track of the changes you make to your software, and there are different programs you can use to keep track of it and one of them is called Git. And Github is a way to do it online, like a social way to keep track of this, and you can collaborate with other developers, and so you can host open source projects and things like that. It is really popular though, and there are millions of users. They are all developers and basically all people who use .IO domains.

Michael: Right. And you get street cred when you share software on Github that is open source or whatever, or you find a bug. You can share how you found it and fix it, and then share that. You can do version control with your developers, which I use Github for. So, lots of different ways to use it, but basically developers want to get on there because it is almost like their resume for awesome software that they have built.

Mike: Exactly. Yeah, when I have hired developers, I look at their Github and see what they are doing. To me, it is much more important than a college degree.

Michael: Yeah, if you see somebody on there with a ton of repositories and people are following it because they want to see what is going on and they are active on there, that says a lot about them as a programmer, developer, sharing back with others.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Yeah. Cool. So, you went to Github. And what do you do there?

Mike: So, you just search for the keyword. You search for the domain. So, I do not know if you want to do an example.

Michael: Sure.

Mike: Let’s see. What is a good example? Well, let’s try Type.

Michael: Type.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: So, you do not even need to be signed into Github. I am not signed in, as you can see. I am just going to type it in the search box, hit enter, and it comes back. What am I looking for?

Mike: So, yeah, it says we have found 50,728 repository results. So, that number result is what I use as an indicator. It is not an exact science, but as an appraised value of the domain. So, I would appraise the value: the Github appraisal of that value would be 50,728 dollars for Type.

Michael: Wow. So, every single repository result is one dollar in value for the domain name, Type, and then you append the .IO, so

Mike: Yeah. So, that is how.

Michael: And you are not saying it is worth exactly 50,728 dollars, just like EstiBot does not say the exact value of a domain name. For all your newbs out there that always say EstiBot is off or Mike’s appraisal is off, we are not saying exact pricing. We are saying order of magnitude.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: So, it is closer to a 20 to 30-thousand-dollar domain name or maybe an 80-thousand-dollar domain name than it is like a two-hundred-dollar domain.

Mike: Yeah. And I use it as another indicator, but basically yeah, in my head, I think of it as the dollar value, the results.

Michael: And then what are these repository results?

Mike: These are all code projects that have the word ‘type’ in them. So, that first one, you can see it is JavaScript project and it has like 54 stars. 19 people have forked it, so they are working on it. And then TypeScript, the third one down has like 12 thousand. So, you can see why. Now, these are all tech people, startup people, and you can see how this is a good indicator of the value of the .IO domain, because a lot of these people may be interested.

Michael: Yeah, there is a blogging platform called Type Echo. 2,193 people are following it. Seven hundred people have forked it, meaning they have taken the entire codebase into their own account, and they are working on their own version of it.

Mike: Yeah, basically.

Michael: Or maybe doing some debugging or coding, and then they are going to bring it back into the main channel later.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Type Theme. And so, basically it tells you who the person is and then the name of the project or repository, and then they have whatever description that they have written. So, free and open source Jekyll theme. I do not even know what Jekyll is. A showcase of the best typefaces from Google web fonts directory. That would be cool to actually see. FlowType.js, so that is a JavaScript. You can see this is a cascading style sheet (CSS). GLSL. I do not even know what that is.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: But there are 50 thousand results. Okay, so that is how you determine.

Mike: Yeah, and so as another example, you can type Quilts in there, because I think EstiBot puts it at ten thousand, so you can see the difference.

Michael: 312.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: So, the order of magnitude for the value of is a few hundred dollars.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Yeah, and I would say that that is right. I cannot imagine. Maybe Quilt could be a theme for WordPress that allows you to integrate your profiles together or something, so maybe. Maybe there is like one or two use cases, but there is not a ton, like Type, where people would want to use it.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: So, there just are not that many pieces of software developed and likewise, there are less repository results, so the price of that domain is lower. So, that is generally how it works.

Mike: Yeah, and so actually I rely on this more than Estibot. For me, this is the end. If I type it in and it has like three hundred, I am like I do not know who is going to buy it. If people are not naming their code off it, then I do not know who is going to get it. Maybe another domain investor or something. So, this, for me, is what it comes down to for me, is Github. So, I really rely on that.

Michael: Yeah. So, repositories are listed over here and then you have code. 482 thousand. Why do you use repositories versus code?

Mike: Well, because repositories are what they are naming a project, and so that is more correlated. They are usually going to launch a project on a domain name, so I think it correlates more to that. The code is just like it searches in the code itself, so I do not think that really make, and issues is like another thing. Users we will get to.

Michael: That makes sense. So, I took your public sales that are listed on your profile at Flippa, and then I matched them up with the search results on Github, Mike, and then I charted it.

Mike: Okay.

Michael: Here is what it is, man. So, here is 26 hundred dollars sales price. 815 search results. VAL. I just took them right in order, added them to the spreadsheet, and threw this out here, because I wanted to see is there a correlation between these, and so there is not a direct correlation. Here is VAL, which was a low sales price. A thousand bucks, which if you bought for 60 bucks, or one hundred or three hundred bucks, getting a multiple time return nobody is going to complain about. But you would have thought this one would have a really high peak, but generally, if it has a peak in sales price, it has a peak in search results as well. Here is a peak. It is not the same order of magnitude, but you do have a couple that do not quite match up, like VAL and Well.

Mike: Yeah, this is interesting. So, the Github search. So, when you type in VAL, it returns a lot, like 28 thousand results, but that is also returning results for value, so there is no way to search it for the exact match of the keyword. It searches for any word that begins with VAL.

Michael: It is a broad match filter basically.

Mike: Yeah, and so I wish. I contacted their support, hoping that there would be some way to do it, but there is not. So, yeah, that is the one problem with this. If you typed in TYP into Google, it would show higher value than Type because there would be more results, and is not good.

Michael: No.

Mike: Yeah, so you have to keep that in mind.

Michael: Yeah, definitely. All right, but in general, I wanted to see are these going to match. Are the highs in search volume and the lows in search volume matching the highs in sales price and the lows in sales price, and generally it does match. So, it is not an exact science. There are going to be exceptions, but I think your process to determine relative value – what is worth more and what is worth less – is a great system on Github, Mike.

Mike: Thanks. Yeah, it has worked pretty well for me so far.

Michael: Yeah, so let’s see here. Oh, one thing I wanted to ask you is that a lot of these prices were round numbers and I would not expect them to be round numbers like this on no-reserve auction on Flippa, that people are going to knock it out five dollars a piece or a dollar a piece, but these are pretty round numbers. Why do you think they worked out like that?

Mike: I do buy it now a lot of times. If there is a lot of interesting at the beginning of an auction, people will reach out and they will be like I want to buy it now, and so sometimes I will just put a buy It now price out there and they will take it, so that is probably the case where that happened, like with and and probably A few of those.

Michael: Yeah. So, you are willing to sell it quickly or more quickly rather than maximize the retail value of a domain name. Why not just let it go to auction?

Mike: Well, I do not know.

Michael: I am sorry. Let the auction proceed and end on a schedule.

Mike: Well, I mean it is tricky. Sometimes if it plays out, it might not go as high. Basically that is what I am trying to do, is try to get it as high as possible.

Michael: I see.

Mike: And so, sometimes there is a lot of hype. In the auction, there is a ton of bids right at the beginning. A lot of people are bidding and a lot of people are really interested, and so just going off of that, instead of waiting and then there is a lull in bids and not much interest.

Michael: Yeah, that is always what happens. You get a big spike at the beginning, and then there is sort of a lull, and then you will get more action at the end for the high-value domain names or domain names that a lot of people want.

Mike: Yeah, so with, there was a lot of interest right out of the gate. I mean I probably sold it the first day.

Michael: Are you serious?

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Wow.

Mike; And who knows? Maybe it would have gone to 45 thousand. I mean sold for 45 thousand, so I do not know. Maybe I made a huge mistake doing that, but whatever.

Michael: But you made money and somebody else is happy with the domain name. You do not need to maximize every single sale.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: All right. So, a lot of these are not necessarily what the market will bear as a retail price because you may have sold it for higher than the retail price or you may have sold it for lower than the actual retail price, so I just wanted to point out to people that the sales price in this column, in some cases, are just buy it now. So, that is why you may not necessarily see. Not necessarily to say that, again, the valuation system that Mike Carson has come up with could be right on the money or it might be off, or whatever the case. I am just trying to point out that there are some additional factors in here that people should be aware of.

All right, so now we know .IOs are taking off. We know there is a different valuation system out there for those of us that are not necessarily in the software space to figure out what software developers and startups are thinking related to their codebase and going to Github and searching on the repository results. But if I took, if I owned it and I listed it on my Flippa account, yeah, I might get some bids on the first day, but I do not think I would get a 14-thousand-dollar offer to buy it now, so you are doing something differently than the rest of us that are just actively listing, but passively waiting for people to find. What are you doing differently, Mike?

Mike: Yeah, so this is the second part of the Github secret. So, back on the search results for Github there is the users tab.

Michael: Yeah, right down here. Users.

Mike: And so, if you click on that, this lists all the users with type in their name. And so, you can see there are a lot of startup names, like BackType. There is MyType or TypeSupply. There are a lot of different tech startup people that have the word ‘type’ in the name. So, what I usually do for Flippa is I list no reserve, and then I just go here to the search result and there are email addresses. You can see that there is the email address.

Michael: Yeah, there is an email address right here.

Mike: Yeah, so then I just send an email to them and say hey, look, I am auctioning this domain no reserve in case you are interested. And so, this is where you get a lot of interest. This is, I think, the best outbound marketing resource for .IO domains, is Github for sure. I mean I have had so much success. So many people have come to bid on the auctions and won the auctions from this.

Michael: So, you come to the users. You look for a name for a startup that might be actually developing. Here is like TypeSafe. Maybe it is out in Belgium, and here is the email address for this person, and they might be interested in because they are a developer. Otherwise they would not be on Github, so they likely understand the value of .IOs and they might want to bid. So, you will contact them and let them know that it is at auction right now at Flippa.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Got you. And so, do you take any email address that you find? First of all, it is amazing that they are putting the email addresses right here in the search results.

Mike: Yeah. So, I try to find the ones that look more personal, like you are reaching out to a specific person, and then I just send an email, like hey, and I say their first name. I found you on Github. I thought you might be interested in this. But if it is like Hello@CompanyName, then what I will do is I will usually click on the company, so if you just want to click on one of those. Then, on the right side, there are people, and so these are the people that are the top contributors. Probably the people that manage this company Github site. So, then I will click on their profile and look at their email address, or sometimes they will not have it. They will just have a homepage, and then you might be able to get it from there. But basically you can drill down. If it looks like it is a generic email, it is not as personal.

Michael: Yeah, and this person is actually Github staff. This is not a person that you want to email unless you really want to get messed up by a programmer that knows how to work the Internet. Screw with the wrong people on the Internet and you are going to get screwed with. So, the one thing that I will say with this process of going to Github is that you better not automate the system and just screen scrape it and pull every email address and send it.

Mike: Yeah, do not.

Michael: And if you mess with the wrong person, you are going to get messed up.

Mike: Yeah. I mean I really try to see who I think would genuinely be interested and try to reach out to them and send them the link. So, yeah, and I do it all manually.

Michael: You do it all manually. Yeah, okay. So, funny enough, I recently purchased on because I thought popup. I like that because everybody always want to kill popups or have popups. Marketers are terrible, but you need marketing in order to sell stuff. And so, you come to DomainSherpa, you are going to get a little popup down the right-hand side that asks you to join our newsletter. It is an unobtrusive one. It does not get in the middle of the screen or anything like that, but I need a popup and software is always being improved.

So, I bought You and I were chatting. Actually you sold that one through your marketplace and I was the high bidder on that one, right?

Mike: Yeah, so ideally we want all the domains to go through, so I am even letting a lot of the ones of the 750 that I privately own right now. I am letting them expire and just go through because it is just easier for it to be all automated and everything to go through So, was one that we privately owned.

Michael: Yeah, which I had no idea at the time and I told DNAcademy students that I was going to buy it because I did not want to compete against them in case they really liked it. It ended up selling for 360 bucks, which is way more. If I did not do the interview with you a year ago, it probably would have only sold for 99 bucks and I would have gotten it. That would have been great, but I am willing to pay market value. So, 360, and I bought it thinking that if I put it on Flippa today, I think I could get 15 hundred to two thousand dollars. Without even knowing your system, I think the actual retail value of it would be around there.

Now, your system, if I type popup into the search, says 4,219 dollars because there is that many roughly, which is basically the same order of magnitude as what we are talking about. So, if I came to users and I am going through your system, these are the 53 users that come up with popup in their title. This first one, Popup Popup in Bavaria. Would you think this is a good one for me to pursue or not?

Mike: No, I do not think that one is because yeah, they do not even have a logo there. They do not have much information. And when you click on it, there is not much activity going on.

Michael: Right, so that is the thing. You sign in here and if they have activity, less activity is gray and more activity is dark. They have zero activity, so they are not even active on Github, so they would not be a good person for me to contact even if I did have an email address listed here.

Mike: Probably not, yeah.

Michael: Okay. All right, and then because you are doing this manually, you do not want to waste your time. You want to find the right people to contact. So, Popup Arcade right here in my own town of Seattle. They do have a lot of repositories here. Oh, they actually have no people listed.

Mike: Yeah. So, for something like this, they have an icon there. Popup Arcade. That seems like they might be interested, especially because their domain right now is, which is not that good. I will not say anything.

Michael: Well, it does not even look like it is a real website, but maybe they have something coming on. Would you try and figure out an email address for

Mike: I might. I might go to their website and see if they have an email. I mean yeah, it did not look like it was a real company. It might just be some project thing that they are doing. They may still be interested.

Michael: Yeah, all right. Then we have Popup Archive in Oakland, California, and I do have an email address here. How would you determine if you would email them to let them know that it is at auction?

Mike: Yeah, I would do it because it looks like it is a personal email. It looks like they would be interested. I mean that is the name. Popup Archive, and the domain name that they have right now. I think it would be an improvement to get, or it would at least be valuable to them, so yeah, I think that they would be interested and I would definitely reach out.

Michael: Now, how come I do not see that same activity chart that I saw on the first one even though that I can see that this repository was updated 13 days ago, so they are relatively active.

Mike: That is because this is a company page. If you click on one of the people over there, you will see the contribution.

Michael: Okay. So, she has not been active here, but if I come back over here to Bailey, I can see that they have had some activity and there is an email address at my alma mater it looks like. And I come to the third one, and this is the person that is active.

Mike: Yeah, they are super active, so yeah, that would be a good person to reach out to too probably.

Michael: Yeah. All right. And so, this is basically your process. You just go down the list here. So, here is one that you were talking about. [email protected]. Do you think a popup camp, because it is a camp, would want to upgrade to

Mike: I think that they might be interested. I mean is a nice and short. It matches their name. I would reach out to them because I think that they would be interested.

Michael: So, they are really active, and then here is their name, here is their email address, and they are an active developer, so you would think that they would be a good match.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: Popup Maker. Popup Cat. Popup Robots. Robots are going to control us someday, so be nice to the robots. So, that is basically what you do. You just go through here. So, how long does it take? So, why did you list Popup on your own marketplace rather than go over to Flippa and sell it yourself?

Mike: Well, I am trying to just make everything go through

Michael: You are an automation guy.

Mike: Yeah, exactly. It is just cleaner from a lot of different perspectives, from a maintenance perspective, from a business perspective, and I think it is good for the users too. So, yeah, I think it just the best way to do it, so I am trying to get as many that can go through as possible.

Michael: So, I have got to ask you, Mike, because I was just thinking and I am sure my user base is thinking it. What is to stop you from just buying every domain name yourself? Well, I guess you are because you own the marketplace. Buying it yourself for 60 bucks and then maximizing your own revenue, but you own the company and you are the only person in the company, so regardless of whether you buy it and then sell it on your own marketplace or allow people to drop-catch it and then sell it, it is still the profits are going into your business.

Mike: Well, yeah, and if was not backordered by anyone on, then it would have either just become available or maybe I would have got it. Maybe I would have kept it, renewed it, or something. So, I am not forcing it down user’s throats or anything. It is just if people are interested, then yeah, it goes up there. But if they do not backorder it, it is not going to go up there.

Michael: Got you. All right, so how long does it typically take? How long do you spend of you time when you list it on Flippa, doing the marketing, doing the outreach?

Mike: This takes some time. It can take a few hours or so, but I know it is worth it. There have been times where I have a domain on Flippa and it had a little interest, but it was pretty low bids, like up to one hundred dollars or something, and then I spent a few hours doing this and then, later that evening, it is up to like five thousand dollars.

Michael: Wow.

Mike: Yeah, so it is totally worth it, but it does take some time.

Michael: So, you are an automation guy. Why don’t you automate reaching out to all these people?

Mike: Yeah, I think the reaching out to people. You have got to be careful automating that stuff. I feel a little bit just sending an email out of the blue, so I want to do it the nicest way possible if I want to do it.

Michael: Yeah, you want to be a real, genuine person emailing them individually. You do not want any ISPs or filters, or anything to see that you sent out an email in bulk. Regardless of how smart you are, Google and other ISPs are going to realize that you are sending out emails in bulks, and so play it safe. If you want to make money, just do the homework, find the right people to contact, make just an earnest contact from you to that person, and offer it up. Have you ever gotten back any emails from people saying that they were pissed off, do not contact me, take me off your list, or things?

Mike: It is rare. It is actually rare. I mean I do get a few and I try to reply to them. Not defensively. I try to just be like I am really sorry. I try to be nice and win them over afterwards and maybe offer help, or I will be like you can have 99-dollar credit on I am sorry about that. So, yeah, I mean there are a few, but it is not that that bad. If you reach out, and do not automate, and if you think that somebody is genuinely interested, you think they might be genuinely interested, then I think you are okay.

Michael: Yeah. And so, if somebody is thinking right now boy, I could scrape everybody with Type and send them via my automated system, that is a crappy domain name, first of all, and it is not a relevant offer to the audience that you are going to reach through Github. So, you are failing on a couple of different points there, and I will go as far as to say like do not screw it up for the rest of us. Mike is coming on here. He is sharing information about this marketplace that any of us probably did not realize, and just do not screw it up for us. Be honest people. Find great domain names that people really want that are undervalued, and then offer them to the right people, and do not go overboard. Work your way into it slowly.

Mike: Yeah. In general, I think that is good advice in general. Just try. I think it is best. So, some people might noe be making as much money with domain investing, and so they may do some things out of desperation, but yeah, I guess just do it what Mike is saying. If you are doing it because you think that they are genuinely interested in what you are selling, then I think it is okay, but otherwise just be careful because it probably will come back to bite you.

Michael: Yeah, because I get out my domain name voodoo doll for every single time I get an email of a crappy domain name because it has a word of a two-word domain name that I own and somebody is just scraping the WhoIS database and sending me their poorly written, grammatically error prone emails asking me if they want to buy it. I stick another pin in that domain name voodoo doll, hoping that it is going to cause them a little bit of pain. So, do not be that person.

Hey Mike, can I share one of the emails that you send to people just to give an idea?

Mike: Yeah, sure.

Michael: All right, let me go to Gmail tab here. So, here is the forward just because you forwarded it to me. The subject is just the domain name. That is all you say.

Mike: Yeah. I am not actually seeing what you are sharing. Oh, no I see it.

Michael: Okay, so the subject is just, for example.

Mike: Yeah, a lot of times, or sometimes I will do Domain, so yeah, it is very basic.

Michael: And just hi (first name), so you personalize it. I came across your profile on Github, so they know why you are contacting them. I own the domain name and I am auctioning it off on Flippa. Here is the URL. I thought you may be interested. Thanks, and have a great day. Mike. That is it.

Mike: That is it.

Michael: That is it. You do not need to sell them. You do not need to do anything. And if they are interested, which they should be if you picked the right people because they are active and they use that phrase and maybe they are working on a software project or their repository is actively being updated, then they will probably click through and take a look at it.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah, it has worked pretty well. I mean it worked for I think the guy that bought that was somebody I emailed like this.

Michael: Yeah. All right, I am going to stop the sharing of the screen there and come back to you. So, you have shared a phenomenal amount of information here, Mike. You contacted me and I was like I am not sure I want to reveal all this stuff to the community because with great power comes great responsibility, so I appreciate you wanting to share back with the community. I can rattle off tens of domain investors that would not share their secret sauce like this. What made you want to share back with the community, Mike?

Mike: Well, it is a good opportunity for me to show how smart I am to everyone. I am just kidding.

Michael: Nailed it.

Mike: No, I do not know. I guess I do open source projects and when I do a project, it feels good. I am not making any money or anything. It just feels good when people use it or are using it, and it feels like I am contributing, and so maybe it is some of that feeling. Hopefully I am helping things to work better by revealing this information and maybe there will be some kinks, maybe some people abuse it, but it will eventually work out to make things better. And also, I mean it is good to help people. It is good in business and it is good in life. Those are the reasons probably of why I am doing it.

Michael: Yeah, and there are a lot of people that feel that same way and I am appreciative of you coming on here and allowing me to help tell that story and help people be responsible investors and think about the right thing and not necessarily trying to maximize every single penny out of a domain name, but getting the domain names into the hands of the right people, who will use it, who will be productive and create some great things out there. Software. Software is taking over. Everything is going to be written with software. Someday, I am going to cryogenically freeze my body until there is a robot that I can put my brain into, and then I will live forever through software automation just controlled by my brain. It would not surprise me.

Mike: Yeah.

Michael: But I want to tell the audience that if you sat with Mike and me for an hour now and you have additional questions, clarifications, suggestions that you want to ask, you can post them in the comments below this video on DomainSherpa and I will ask Mike to come back and answer as many as he can. If you received benefit from today’s show, if you learned something new, if you challenged your thinking about the value of not only .IO, but CCTLDs in general, country code top-level domains, or you thought about specializing in domain names for startups or healthcare or something, take a moment. Post a thank you in the comments below.

Click on Mike’s Twitter handle. Send him a quick thanks. Say I am using it in an area. You do not need tell us which area. Maybe you do. Maybe you tell us which area you are. That would be cool to hear too. I know Mike wants to hear what is going on because as developers who share, it is cool to hear that other people are doing things that Mike helped inspire. So, I am going to be the first to say thanks to Mike.

Mike Carson, thanks for coming on the DomainSherpa Show again, sharing your system for valuing and selling .IO domain names, and thanks for being a repeat Domain Sherpa for others.

Mike: No problem. Thanks again for having me.

Michael: My pleasure. Thank you all for watching. We’ll see you next time.