2016年9月,Payoneer宣布进入域名中介交易领域,旗下域名中介网站 escrow.payoneer.com 投入运营,此举也是受到海外米友的热烈欢迎。
HarbourYard has partnered with Payoneer to provide a total transaction fee.
This includes HarbourYard service fees and Payoneer financial transfer fees in a combined streamlined form.
The escrow fee schedule is calculated as follows:
For an Order value up to $5,000: 4.5% or $35, whichever is higher.
For an Order value from $5,000 to $50,000: $225 + 4% of order value over $5,000
For an Order value from $50,000 to $500,000: 2025 + 3.5% of order value over$50,000
For an Order value over $500,000: $17,775 + 2.5% of order value over $500,000
For an Order value over $1,000,000: $30,275 + 2% of order value over $1,000,000
The fee for a $7,000 order is $305 ($225 + $80)
[4.5% fee up to $5,000 = $225, plus 4% on $2000 = $80]
The escrow fee is based on the total value of a completed order. The fee is payable at the time the funds are released from escrow, and will be automatically deducted.
If a transaction is cancelled by the seller, Payoneer will refund the full amount to the Buyer.
Payoneer公司账户与个人账户有什么区别,Payoneer公司账户的账户名是企业名,可避免用员工的身份证注册P卡收款公司资金,最后员工离职的尴尬情况,相对更正规;部分电商平台(如Lazada、亚马逊欧洲站) 只能用Payoneer企业账户来收款;注册方面,Payoneer企业账户注册需要法人身份证正反面+企业营业执照,若注册时绑定股东的身份证和银行卡,需额外提交《公司章程》最后各股东页面照片;提现方面,企业账户只能提现到注册公司的对公银行账户以及法人、股东的个人银行卡里,但入账和提现费用和个人帐户是一样的。 此外,在有Payoneer个人账户的前提下,你可以再申请一个Payoneer企业帐户。
Payoneer 余额提现,适合金额不太大的几千美金的提现。真正的 B2B 大额收款,就要用 Payoneer 离岸账户收款业务。
1. 从 Paypal 到 Payoneer 的 Community Federal Savings Bank 账户,大概要 3 个工作日左右。
2. 从 Community Federal Savings Bank 提现到国内个人银行/公司账户,大概 2 个工作日左右。
3. 由于 Payoneer 已经结汇转成人民币转入你的银行账户内(按照当天的现汇买入价)了,所以不占用 5 万美金的个人结汇额度。