
2018年3月13日 | 分类: 【技术】

1. 在已有VPS上使用快照重置服务器

You can restore an Automatic Backup or manual Snapshot to your instance via the following steps:

1. Log in to my.vultr.com
2. Click the label of the instance you’d like to restore.
3. Click the “Backups” or “Snapshots” tab near the top of this page.
4. Click the “Restore” icon next to the appropriate Backup or Snapshot.

Please note that this will overwrite the selected instance’s file system with the data contained within this Backup or Snapshot.

2. 使用快照新建VPS


Restoring a snapshot

In order to restore a snapshot, you will need to create a new server with that snapshot selected. In order to restore a snapshot, log in to My Vultr https://my.vultr.com/ and click “Deploy” in the menu or “Deploy New Instance”.

You can choose your server type, location. At operating system, select “Snapshot” instead of an actual OS. Now, click your snapshot in the dropdown. You can identify snapshots as the format is ID – description. The description will be the hostname of your server. Make sure that you use an equal or bigger disk size that the snapshot was created from. Say you created a snapshot of a server with a 45 GB, you can only restore the snapshot to a server with a 45 GB disk or more.

You can now select your plan and optional features. Once you’ve confirmed everything is correct and you’ve chosen your snapshot as your OS, click “Place Order”.

A new VPS will be launched based on your snapshot. Once it boots, it will be ready for use. If you need to make networking changes, see this guide.



Log in to your server via the KVM in your control panel
Remove the contents of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

Open /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, and change the contents to the following:

NAME="System eth0"

Reboot your server
Once you have network connectivity again, you can permanently fix these issues by installing the cloud-init package from EPEL. This software will take care of adjusting your network adapter configuration whenever a snapshot is restored.