
2020年12月17日 | 分类: 【源码】


Module Parameters

The module parameters are the data/values passed into each function when called. Every provisioning module function receives the same parameters. These parameters provide information about the specific product/service the module command runs for. The parameters also contains the settings from the product itself.
Variable Name Description
serviceid The unique ID of the service.
Database Field: tblhosting.id
pid The product ID for the service.
Database Field: tblproducts.id
serverid The assigned server ID for the service.
Database Field: tblservers.id
domain The domain entered by the customer when ordering.
Database Field: tblhosting.domain
username Username generated for the service. (defaults to first 8 letters of the domain)
Database Field: tblhosting.username
password Password generated for the service. (10 char generated on first creation consisting of letters & numbers, both upper & lowercase).
Database Field: tblhosting.password
producttype The product type which can be one of hostingaccount, reselleraccount, server or other.
moduletype The module name (will match filename of module).
configoptionX with X being from 1 to 24.
These fields contain the module settings for the product defined in the ConfigOptions function.
clientsdetails Contains an array of all client details service owner. This contains things like firstname, lastname, email, address1, country, etc…
customfields Contains an array of all custom fields defined on the product.
The key is the custom field name – $params[‘customfields’][‘Field Name’].
configoptions Contains an array of all the configurable options defined on the product.
Again the key being the option name in this case – $params[‘configoptions’][‘Option Name Here’].
server true/false – Is the product assigned to a server.
serverip The IP Address of the selected server.
serverhostname The Hostname of the selected server.
serverusername The Username of the selected server.
serverpassword The Password of the selected server.
serveraccesshash The Access Hash of the selected server.
serversecure true/false – Is an SSL connection enabled in the Server Configuration.
serverport The server port if module supports override with custom port
Config Options

Config Options (do not confuse with Configurable Options) are the module’s settings. These are defined in the ConfigOptions function of the module. Config Options are set on a per product basis. Supplied as a numbered list: $params[‘configoption1’], $params[‘configoption2’], etc. Defined by the order specified in the ConfigOptions function of the module.

Note: Every module function except the _ConfigOptions function receives the $params array. The _ConfigOptions function is unique because it is the only function that is not called in relation to a specific client instance of a product or service.
Custom Fields & Configurable Options

Values from any custom fields & configurable options are passed into modules as parameters. Passed as an array with the key being the name of the field or option.

For example for a custom field called “Username”, would become $params[‘customfields’][‘Username’]. Likewise, a configurable option named “Disk Space”, would become $params[‘configoptions’][‘Disk Space’].


变量名称 描述
服务 服务的唯一 ID。
Pid 服务的产品 ID。
服务器 id 为服务分配的服务器 ID。
域 客户在订购时输入的域。
用户 为服务生成的用户名。(默认为域前 8 个字母)
密码 为服务生成的密码。(第一次创建时生成的 10 个字符,由字母和数字(大写和小写)组成)。
产品类型 可以是托管帐户、经销商帐户、服务器或其他产品类型之一。
模块类型 模块名称(将匹配模块的文件名)。
Configoptionx X 从 1 到 24。
客户细节 包含所有客户端详细信息服务所有者的数组。这包含诸如名字,姓氏,电子邮件,地址1,国家等…
自定义字段 包含在产品上定义的所有自定义字段的数组。
键是自定义字段名称 – $params自定义字段””字段名称”。
忏说 包含产品上定义的所有可配置选项的数组。
再次键是在这种情况下的选项名称 – $params”忏说”=”选项名称在这里”。
服务器 真/假 – 产品是否分配给服务器。
服务器 所选服务器的 IP 地址。
服务器主机名 所选服务器的主机名。
服务器用户名 所选服务器的用户名。
服务器密码 所选服务器的密码。
服务器访问哈希 所选服务器的访问哈希。
服务器 真/假 – 在服务器配置中是否启用了 SSL 连接。
服务器端口 如果模块支持使用自定义端口重写,则服务器端口




