WordPress插件:WPML 语言插件

2017年1月13日 | 分类: 【源码】









WPML共计有12个包,第1个是基础包,其它的是均是辅助插件或扩展插件。所以需要首先安装WPML Multilingual CMS(sitepress-multilingual-cms),接着根据需要自行安装其它插件和扩展。


  1. WPML Multilingual CMS
    WPML combines multilingual content authoring with powerful translation management. 多语言WPML插件基础包,强有力的翻译管理。
  2. WPML String Translation
    WPML add-on: Allows translating texts in the theme, in other plugins and in the WordPress Admin. WPML的插件,允许翻译主题中的字符串,包括其它插件和后台管理等。
  3. WPML Translation Management
    WPML add-on: The Translation Management package helps run translations for large WordPress sites. 翻译管理,适合大型网站。
  4. WPML Sticky Links
    WPML add-on: Prevents internal links from ever breaking. 防止内部链接失效。
  5. WPML Translation Analytics
    WPML add-on: Get concise reports about the current status of your site’s translation, and see progress over time. 翻译分析,可查看网站翻译进度等。
  6. WPML CMS Nav
    WPML add-on: Creates navigation elements, which you can use with any theme. 创建导航,任意添加在主题的任意位置。建议看看完整说明。
  7. WPML Media
    Turns the WordPress Media management into multilingual and allows showing the same images on translated galleries. 
    Allows sending translation jobs as XLIFF to translators. Useful for people who work with freelance translators or translation agencies. 
  9. CRED Frontend Translation
    Used with CRED plugin you can enable content translation from the site’s frontend pages. 
  10. WPML-MarketPress
    Allows running a multilingual e-commerce site using the MarketPress plugin from WPMUDEV. You need to purchase MarketPlace to use this plugin. 
  11. Jigoshop Multilingual
    Create a multilingual e-commerce site with Jigoshop and WPML. 
  12. GravityForms Multilingual
    Gravity Forms Multilingual allows translating Gravity Forms so that they appear in the language of the page they’re inserted in.